"On the last Monday, I embarked on a journey that transformed me into a hybrid of flesh and steel," Arnold Schwarzenegger disclosed on his popular podcast. Having undergone a surgical implantation of a pacemaker, the iconic actor is now in the throes of recovery. In the Monday's installment of 'Arnold's Pump Club,' the 76-year-old revealed the procedure, stating, "I've got some personal news to impart. Just last Monday, I stepped into the operating room for a pacemaker, and with each stitch, I felt myself becoming a tad more mechanical."
Despite acknowledging that sharing such intimate health details publicly "clashes with my Austrian upbringing," Schwarzenegger emphasized his desire for transparency. He noted that many have shared their heart health stories with him, and by reciprocating, he hopes to offer "them courage and hope in their own battles."
"First and foremost, I'm in excellent spirits!" he continued. "My surgery was on Monday, and by Friday's dawn, I was standing side by side with my friend and fellow fitness advocate Jane Fonda at a significant environmental event. No one would have guessed that I had just undergone a surgical procedure." He praised Fonda for her "robust health" and "stunning appearance."
"My team at the Cleveland Clinic deserves the utmost gratitude," he added. "The doctors and nurses took immense care of me, ensuring the surgery was as painless as it could be." Schwarzenegger explained that scar tissue from previous surgeries had caused his heartbeat to become irregular, necessitating annual check-ups. "This is life with a genetic heart condition, but I'm not one to complain," he said with resilience.
He credited his "diligence, constant communication with doctors, and adherence to their advice" for his current robust health. He recalled that his mother had declined valve replacement surgery and passed away in 1998. "I had my valves replaced for the first time in 1997, requiring open-heart surgery. They informed me that both valves would last 12 to 15 years," he reminisced. He underwent surgeries to replace both valves again in 2018 and 2020.
Following his surgeries, Schwarzenegger shared that he remained in close contact with his doctors, sharing heart rate data from home. They advised him when a pacemaker would be necessary. While at the Arnold Sports Festival earlier in March, doctors performed "a comprehensive set of tests" to monitor his heart. He confessed that the irregular heartbeat "drained me," adding, "I struggled immensely during those 16-hour days at the festival."
His doctor later informed him that based on his test results, a pacemaker was imperative, especially considering his filming schedule for the second season of 'FUBAR.' "On Monday, I underwent the surgery, and my new mechanical companion was implanted," he recounted.
"While I'll have to put my rigorous gym training on the back burner for a while, I'll be fully prepared for 'FUBAR' next month," he assured. "I could have kept this a secret. But with over 750,000 subscribers to our daily newsletter, I know many of you might be facing your own health challenges. I want you to know you're not alone," he said. "And if fear is keeping you from seeking medical attention, I hope my story inspires you to listen to your doctors and prioritize your health."