On January 16, Francisco San Martin, a beloved figure among daytime soap opera enthusiasts for his memorable performances in NBC's "Days of Our Lives" and CBS' "The Bold and the Beautiful," was tragically discovered deceased in his Los Angeles residence. He was 39 years old. According to the Los Angeles County Coroner's Office, the cause of his untimely demise was suicide by hanging.
During his six-month stint on NBC's "Days" in 2011, San Martin portrayed Dario Hernandez, a character who initially deceived Salem as a mere pickpocket but later unveiled deeper layers to his persona. This role was later reprised by Jordi Vilasuso, a veteran of "Guiding Light," between 2015 and 2016.
In 2017, San Martin briefly graced CBS' "B&B" as Mateo, a Forrester Manor employee hired by Sheila with the intention of seducing Quinn, though his advances were ultimately rejected.
San Martin's television resume also shone brightly with his portrayal of Fabian Regalo del Cielo in The CW's "Jane The Virgin," spanning Seasons 3 and 4. Fabian was an actor on Rogelio's telenovela, "Los Viajes de Guillermo," who instantaneously captivated Jane. Their courtship, though brief, was marked by a whirlwind of drama and chaos.