The actress Kristen Bell, despite her illustrious acting career, initially harbored reservations about her children potentially pursuing a similar path. Recently, during the opening night of "Reefer Madness: The Musical" at The Whitley in Los Angeles, Bell opened up to People magazine about her thoughts on her daughters, Lincoln, 11, and Delta, 8, potentially working in the entertainment industry.
"It's quite intriguing," Bell confessed, "when I first pondered this possibility, my initial reaction was, 'No, I don't want them to be actors. There's just too much rejection involved.'" However, it was her husband, Dax Shepard, who swayed her perspective.
"My husband posed some profound questions," Bell reminisced. "'Do you enjoy your life? Do you find joy in what you do? Are you compensated well for your efforts? Do you get to exercise your creativity daily?' I nodded in agreement. And then he asked, 'Why wouldn't you want the same for your children?'"
If indeed, her daughters choose to follow in her footsteps, Bell admitted that she would need to ponder deeply and thoroughly about the advice she would offer them before embarking on their Hollywood journey.
The actress from "The Good Place" added, "I would tell them, 'Yes, there will be rejection, but learn to shrug it off because if you're pursuing your passion, something meaningful will eventually find you.'"
Bell and Shepard's fateful encounter occurred at a dinner party in 2007, and they tied the knot in 2013. Since then, they have been blessed with two daughters, the first arriving in 2013 and the second in 2014.