Normani, regrettably, will not grace the stage of the BET Awards on Sunday evening. The talented singer revealed the unfortunate news in a heartfelt Instagram story, detailing that she sustained a severe injury during rehearsals for the prestigious music and entertainment awards show. She was initially slated to join an illustrious lineup featuring Ice Spice, Sexyy Red, Latto, Cardi B, Queen Latifah, and the Jungle Brothers, among others, as well as Will Smith, who is set to perform a brand-new original song.
"My frustration and disappointment are immeasurable," Normani confessed in the opening lines of her statement. "I had intended to share an update with you all, informing you that during rehearsals for BET, I encountered a terrible accident that left me injured. I'm usually resilient and can power through any challenge, but unfortunately, due to my doctor's strict orders, I won't be able to perform tonight."
She accompanied her words with a photograph, revealing herself on crutches and her knee swathed in bandages. Continuing her narrative, she expressed, "I longed to give you my all on that stage, but performing would only hinder my recovery." Her frustration was palpable as she emphasized her eagerness to make her live debut since the release of her long-awaited album, "Dopamine." She earnestly implored, "Believe me, I hear your anticipation and see your eagerness. More than anything, I wanted to perform for you and reclaim my passion - standing on that stage. Thank you for understanding..."
Normani, who initially rose to fame as a founding member of Fifth Harmony, has been eagerly anticipating her comeback with the release of her debut album. After announcing the LP in 2022, she faced numerous delays while maintaining a relatively private life, only recently opening up about her parents' health challenges and her struggles with anxiety.
The BET Awards will proceed on Sunday night, recognizing esteemed nominees such as Drake, who leads the nominations list for a second consecutive year, with Nicki Minaj, his longstanding collaborator, trailing closely with six nominations.