The renowned filmmaker Ruben Östlund, the mastermind behind the critically acclaimed "Triangle of Sadness," has soared to new heights with his twin Golden Palm triumphs and illustrious Oscar nominations. Yet, amidst these towering accolades, he humbly admits that voicing grievances about such honors may seem "absurd." Nevertheless, he confesses that these prestigious honors add a profound layer of "pressure" to his artistic journey.
In a candid conversation with the writer-director of "Mother Couch," Niclas Larsson, for Interview magazine, Östlund was posed a profound question: "Do awards foster self-confidence or exacerbate insecurities?" His response was unwavering: "They make you more insecure, indeed." He elaborated, "For me, it was a stark reality. Winning a single Golden Palm intensified the weight of expectation, but securing two has alleviated some of that pressure, as it signifies that I'm not just a flash in the pan. However, I also require that pressure to fuel my creative pursuits."
He continued with a spark of enthusiasm, "That's precisely why my aspirations for the next film are to clinch another Golden Palm. It would mark an unprecedented milestone in film history, as a director achieving three consecutive Golden Palms." Östlund first garnered the Palme d'Or for "The Square" in 2017, and again in 2022 for "Triangle of Sadness." While he acknowledged that "such proclamations may seem utterly absurd," he recognizes that "pressure" can indeed be a potent catalyst for fulfilling ambitions.
He explained, "For me, the objective is to set lofty standards and establish ambitious goals. Many may perceive me as arrogant, but for me, this is a strategy to create a driving force that propels me forward." Earlier in the discussion, the Oscar-nominated director added, "I believe that genuine creative assurance, attaining milestones, working on feature films, traversing the globe, and encountering diverse individuals have all contributed to my self-confidence. It's about gaining confidence in one's craft and, through that, experiencing the world and navigating various social landscapes that further enrich one's confidence."
Östlund's "Triangle of Sadness" has also garnered two Oscar nominations, including Best Director and Best Original Screenplay, with the film recognized in the Best Picture category. His previous work, "The Square," was also nominated for Best Foreign Language Film.