Dayle Haddon, a former magazine cover model who made her mark on '70s and '80s television screens and cinematic landscapes with appearances in renowned films and TV series such as "North Dallas Forty," "Max Headroom," and "The Hitchhiker," passed away on Friday due to a suspected carbon monoxide leak in Solebury, Pennsylvania. She was 76 years old.
According to the Solebury Township Police Department's official website, Haddon was "discovered peacefully deceased in a second-floor bedroom" of a detached office/in-law suite within a residence on Friday morning. Simultaneously, a 76-year-old male identified as Walter J. Blucas, the father of actor Marc Blucas, was found "lying unconscious." He is currently in critical condition at a hospital. CNN has contacted representatives of the younger Blucas for comment.
On her verified Instagram account, Haddon's daughter, Ryan Haddon, fondly reminisced about her mother as "a powerful woman who was also gentle and attentive to all. Deeply creative and endlessly curious, she possessed beauty that radiated from both inside and out. She was always kind and considerate." The post featured several of Haddon's magazine cover shots, including those from Vogue, Harper's Bazaar, and Cosmopolitan, along with an image of her 2003 book titled "The Five Principles of Ageless Living."
Police investigations revealed that "a faulty flue and exhaust pipe in the gas heating system were the likely cause of the carbon monoxide leak." The statement further continued, "The officers and members of the Solebury Township Police Department offer our heartfelt condolences to the Haddon and Blucas families. This tragic incident serves as a poignant reminder of the critical importance of implementing carbon monoxide safety measures in our homes."