Sony Pictures announced Friday that the eagerly awaited third installment of Danny Boyle's groundbreaking 28 franchise, "28 Years Later," is set to hit theaters on June 20, 2025. This highly anticipated sequel will follow the events of the critically acclaimed 2002 film "28 Days Later" and the thrilling 2007 sequel "28 Weeks Later."
Directed by the visionary Boyle and penned by the talented Alex Garland, "28 Years Later" promises to be a captivating continuation of the franchise's post-apocalyptic zombie horror narrative. Reports suggest that Boyle and Garland hope to embark on a new trilogy with this installment, further expanding the franchise's already rich and immersive world.
Boyle and Garland will also serve as producers, joined by original producer Andrew Macdonald and Peter Rice, who are returning to the fold, as well as Bernie Bellew, who joins the production team. Executive producer Cillian Murphy, who starred in the original film as an unknown actor, will reprise his role, bringing back memories of his portrayal of a bicycle courier waking up from a coma to discover a world overrun by a deadly virus that transforms humans into murderous zombies.
The second film depicted the military's efforts to establish a safe zone in London amidst the zombie pandemic, with two siblings searching for a photograph of their mother. Both films were not only commercial successes but also helped revitalize the zombie horror genre, sparking a wave of apocalyptic entertainment that has dominated the box office for the past two decades.
Plot details for "28 Years Later" remain shrouded in mystery, but one thing is certain: the film will undoubtedly deliver another thrilling and heart-pounding adventure in the franchise's unique and terrifying world. Fans of the series will eagerly await the release of this new chapter in the 28 franchise, which is sure to leave them on the edge of their seats.