In the poignant documentary unveiling the life of the iconic Man of Steel, who graced four beloved 'Superman' films, Christopher Reeve's transformative journey as an advocate for spinal cord research is brought to the forefront, as narrated by the film's 'McQueen' directors, set to captivate audiences in theaters on September 21st.
The poignant trailer for DC Studios and Fathom Events' heartfelt documentary, 'Super/Man: The Christopher Reeve Story,' unveiled on Monday, poignantly portrays Reeve as an unwavering hero, even in the confines of a wheelchair. His spirit remains undaunted, shining brightly as a beacon of hope, as he eloquently declares, "A hero, I believe, is one who summons the courage to persevere and endure amidst the most formidable of challenges." These words resonate profoundly, evoking memories of the Hollywood icon who embodied the iconic Man of Steel across four cinematic epics, until a devastating horseback riding accident in 1995 confined him to a wheelchair, yet his spirit remained unbroken.
Despite the devastating blow that left him quadriplegic, the documentary poignantly depicts Reeve's remarkable triumph over initial despair, fueled by the unwavering support of his family and friends. He dedicates his life to the noble pursuit of finding a cure for spinal cord injuries and becomes a vocal champion for disability rights and care.
Under the expert guidance of Ian Bonhôte and Peter Ettedgui, the same directors behind the acclaimed 'McQueen,' this cinematic odyssey into Reeve's Hollywood career and personal life intertwines home movies with intimate interviews from his cherished children and esteemed colleagues, painting a vivid portrait of the man behind the cape.
"My dad was fiercely competitive and refused to be held back," Alexandra Reeve fondly reminisces, honoring her father's indomitable spirit.
Acquired by DC Studios, HBO Documentary Films, and CNN Films at the prestigious Sundance Film Festival this year, 'Super/Man: The Christopher Reeve Story' will make its grand cinematic debut across the United States on September 21st, 2024, followed by an encore screening on September 25th—a fitting tribute on the late Superman actor's birthday.
Produced by Passion Pictures and Misfits Entertainment, with Words + Pictures financing and co-producing, this heartfelt tribute promises an international theatrical rollout, ensuring that Christopher Reeve's inspiring legacy continues to resonate worldwide.