The highly anticipated sci-fi drama from the renowned Canadian auteur of body horror, David Cronenberg, titled "The Shrouds," is slated for a theatrical release in the spring of 2025, following its grand world premiere at the prestigious Cannes Film Festival and subsequent showcases at the Toronto and New York Film Festivals. Sideshow and Janus Films, renowned distributors, have secured the rights to distribute this gripping tale within the United States.
This acquisition marks the continuation of a successful partnership between Sideshow and Janus Films and Cronenberg, who has previously enchanted audiences with his films like "Videodrome" and "Naked Lunch." Commenting on the film, the distributors jointly stated, "This is Cronenberg at his most incisive, deeply personal, and romantically charged, offering a thought-provoking thriller with remarkable performances from Vincent Cassel and Diane Kruger."
"The Shrouds" was initially conceived by Cronenberg as a TV series, driven by his personal grief following the loss of his wife in 2017. He passionately pitched the idea to Netflix executives, but after funding the production of a pilot episode, the streaming giant declined to proceed further.
The film centers on Karsh (portrayed by Vincent Cassel), a businessman consumed by sorrow over the death of his beloved wife. In an attempt to cope with his loss, he creates a groundbreaking technology – a high-tech shroud that allows him to witness her body's decomposition in real-time. However, when multiple graves, including that of his wife, are violated one fateful night, Karsh embarks on a quest to uncover the perpetrators.
Speaking to The Hollywood Reporter ahead of its Cannes debut, Cronenberg shared, "It's a fictional rendering of profound emotions and real people. Yet, despite the infusion of reality and personal anecdotes, the essence of a good film transcends such elements. It must stand on its own merit as a cinematic experience."
The negotiation for the U.S. distribution rights of "The Shrouds" was skillfully handled by Sideshow and Janus Films in collaboration with SBS International. The film boasts a formidable production team, with Saïd Ben Saïd, Martin Katz, and Anthony Vaccarello for Saint Laurent sharing the producer credits.