Introducing a stellar cast of newcomers, Joely Richardson, Alessandro Nivola, Simon Russell Beale, and Arty Froushan, the beloved franchise "Downton Abbey" has revealed its next theatrical adventure. The third installment of the small-screen-to-big-screen phenomenon has been scheduled for a worldwide release on September 12, 2025, Focus Features announced with excitement on Wednesday. Overseas distribution will be handled by Universal Pictures International.
Once again, the pen of Julian Fellowes, the creator of the critically acclaimed TV series spanning from 2010 to 2015, will bring to life the captivating story of "Downton Abbey 3." Simon Curtis, who directed the highly successful "Downton Abbey: A New Era" in 2022, is returning to helm this new chapter.
"A New Era," which premiered in theaters in May 2022 during the post-pandemic recovery of cinemas, grossed a remarkable $92.7 million worldwide. Its predecessor, released in the first half of September 2019, raked in nearly $200 million globally, setting a high bar for the franchise.
Alongside the returning ensemble of Hugh Bonneville, Elizabeth McGovern, and Michelle Dockery, the cast includes familiar faces like Laura Carmichael, Jim Carter, Phyllis Logan, and a plethora of other beloved characters. Paul Giamatti, recently nominated for an Oscar in "The Holdovers," will reprise his role as Harold Levinson, Cora Grantham's brother.
With the addition of the aforementioned newcomers and the reprisal of Dominic West as Guy Dexter, "Downton Abbey 3" promises to be an unforgettable cinematic experience. Currently in production in the U.K., the film boasts producers Gareth Neame, Fellowes, and Liz Trubridge, ensuring the highest standards of quality and authenticity.