The captivating trailer for "Fugue" (Fuga) has premiered, marking its remarkable simultaneous world premiere at the prestigious Edinburgh and Lima film festivals. Directed by the visionary duo of Mary Jiménez and Bénédicte Liénard, this hybrid masterpiece weaves a tapestry of reality and imagination.
To honor Jiménez's exceptional contributions, Lima will showcase a special tribute, featuring three of her most acclaimed creations: "Del Verbo Amar," "Loco Lucho," and "In the Name of Tania."
"Fugue" plunges viewers deep into the heart of the Peruvian Amazon, where the ruthless brutality and homophobia of the terrorist group Shining Path intertwine, unleashing a devastating storm. As Valentina's body is escorted back to the village for burial, a young shaman, Saor Sax, serves as a haunting companion, navigating the treacherous landscape.
"Fuga" is not just a sequel but a profound continuation of the filmmakers' critically acclaimed previous work, "In the Name of Tania," also shot amidst the lush greenery of the Peruvian Amazon. They elucidate, "'Fuga' delves into the untold stories of homosexuals persecuted by the Tupac Amaru and Shining Path during Peru's tumultuous 'dirty war' (1970-2000). A generation that bore the burden of silence and shame amidst persecution remains unheard and unrecognized. Collaborating with the fearless queer artist Saor Sax—fluidly shifting between genders, they embody pure defiance in an Amazonian society shackled by evangelical morality."
In "Fugue," the hybrid narrative is artfully balanced, with one foot firmly planted in reality and the other dancing in the realm of the filmmakers' vivid imagination. Amidst modest budgets and non-professional actors, Jiménez and Liénard crafted an "artisan cinema," a labor of love forged in partnership with the local community and a tight-knit crew, each contributing to a cinematic experience that resonates deeply.
"The mere thought of a seasoned actor usurping any member of the 'Fugue' ensemble is inconceivable to us. Our greatest hurdle lay in harnessing the raw, untamed talent of villagers with no prior acting experience, who inhabited the landscapes we captured on film. For five immersive months, we transformed the filmmaking process into a communal endeavor, embracing the intricacies and nuances that emerged.
Leading the charge in 'Fugue' is Saor Sax, accompanied by the remarkable Valentina Linares Gonzales, Miguel Gomez Grandes, Dimas Garcia Torres, and Willy Pinchi Isuiza. Behind the lens, Virginie Surdej's cinematography weaves a captivating tale, while Marie-Hélène Dozo, Jiménez, Liénard, and Octavio Iturbe meticulously craft the narrative's flow.
This cinematic masterpiece is the brainchild of Hanne Phlypo, with invaluable co-production support from Digna Sinke, Pilar Peredo, Edgard Tenembaum, and Isabel Madueño Medina. Clin d’Oeil Films, in collaboration with SNG Film, Tu Vas Voir, Perpetua Cine, Cinetroupe, RTBF Télévision Belge-Unité Documentaire, and Shelter Prod, have brought this vision to life.
The film stands tall on the shoulders of numerous sponsors and institutions, including the Film and Audiovisual Center of Wallonia Brussels Federation, the Belgian Federal Government's Tax Shelter, and ING,, the Brussels-Capital Region, the Belgian Development Cooperation (DGD), the Netherlands Film Fund (NFF), the Netherlands Film Production Incentive, the Creative Europe program of the European Union, the Centre national du Cinema et de l’image animée (CNC), and CBA-Centre de l’Audiovisuel à Bruxelles. Each contributor has played a pivotal role in nurturing this cinematic odyssey."