The Sundance-winning debut of Iranian directors Raha Amirfazli and Alireza Ghasemi, titled "In the Land of Brothers," will make its grand European debut at the esteemed Karlovy Vary Film Festival. With this feature, the young filmmakers turned their lenses towards the Iranian community of Afghan refugees, the millions who have fled the decades-long turmoil in Kabul to seek refuge in the "land of their brothers" across the border.
The drama, crafted by Amirfazli and Ghasemi, traverses the journey of a refugee family spanning two decades. It weaves three distinct narratives, each set a decade apart, commencing in 2001, following the U.S. invasion of Afghanistan, and culminating in 2021, when the Taliban regained control of the nation.
In the captivating first trailer (see below), we are introduced to the film's three central characters. Mohamed, a sensitive teenager harboring a secret affection for fellow Afghan refugee Leila, is detained by Iranian authorities and coerced into forced labor due to his immigrant status. A decade later, Leila, now a mother employed by a wealthy Iranian family, is struck by a devastating tragedy and faces the prospect of deportation back to Afghanistan. And in the final chapter, set in 2021, Leila's elder brother Qasem confronts a tragedy of a different kind, one that threatens to alter the lives of himself, his wife, and their children.
"In the Land of Brothers" premiered at Sundance, where it garnered the prestigious Best Director honor in the World Dramatic competition. Its global premiere commences next week at the Karlovy Vary International Film Festival, screening on Tuesday, July 2. Alpha Violet is overseeing worldwide distribution. Embark on this emotional journey with the "In The Land of Brothers" trailer below.