Giant Pictures has embarked on an exciting journey as the theatrical distributor for 'Luther: Never Too Much,' a poignant documentary that premiered at the prestigious Sundance Film Festival, delving into the illustrious career of the legendary R&B icon, Luther Vandross. This fall, moviegoers will have the opportunity to experience the magic of Luther's life and music on the big screen.
'Luther: Never Too Much' is a heartfelt tribute to the eight-time Grammy Award winner, who left an indelible mark on the music industry before his untimely passing in 2005. The film, which has garnered acclaim at various film festivals including Tribeca, Hot Docs International, and Nantucket, offers a rare glimpse into the singer's extraordinary talent, his personal struggles, and the enduring impact he left behind.
"Crafting this film was a true labor of love," exclaimed Dawn Porter, the award-winning filmmaker behind the project. "Luther was a master of his craft, a singular talent who transcended genres with his music. It's been thrilling to see fans, both old and new, rediscover his brilliance and fall in love with his music all over again."
Vandross' journey began humbly as a backup singer for musical giants like Roberta Flack, Chaka Khan, Bette Midler, and David Bowie. But with the release of his double-platinum debut album, 'Never Too Much,' in 1981, he embarked on a remarkable trajectory that saw him sell over 40 million albums worldwide. Hits like "Here and Now," "Endless Love," and "Power of Love/Love Power" secured his place among the greats, earning him 33 Grammy nominations and seven No. 1 spots on the R&B charts.
Beyond the music, 'Luther: Never Too Much' also explores the singer's personal battles with sexuality and overeating, offering a nuanced portrait of a complex and vulnerable artist. The film features candid interviews with Vandross' closest collaborators and friends, including Mariah Carey, Nile Rodgers, Clive Davis, and even Jamie Foxx, who also served as a producer on the project.
"From the moment we saw 'Luther: Never Too Much' at film festivals, the Giant Pictures team was captivated," said Nick Savva, the company's general manager. "This film is a must-see for Luther fans and newcomers alike, a testament to his extraordinary talent and legacy. We're thrilled to partner with Sony Music, Raindog Films, and CNN Films to bring this inspiring story to theaters nationwide."
As the 20th anniversary of Vandross' passing approaches, the Luther Vandross Estate expresses their profound gratitude for the upcoming theatrical and CNN releases. "For over a decade, we've been dedicated to sharing Luther's story and music with the world," they said. "Dawn Porter and her team have created a film that honors Luther's life and legacy in the most fitting way possible."
With a star-studded cast of producers and executive producers, including Colin Firth, Phil Thornton, and The Luther Vandross Estate, 'Luther: Never Too Much' is a cinematic triumph that will resonate with audiences for years to come. Don't miss your chance to experience the magic of Luther Vandross on the big screen this fall.