Reflecting on the seminal 1999 drama and her profound collaboration with the legendary yet late director Stanley Kubrick, alongside her co-star and then-spouse Tom Cruise, Nicole Kidman gazes back with a wistful eye. It has been a quarter-century since she uttered the final word in Kubrick's poignant exploration of marital complexities and relationships, aptly titled 'Eyes Wide Shut.'
In a candid conversation with the Los Angeles Times, Kidman reminisces about her collaboration with the iconic filmmaker, describing it as "a career-defining experience in itself" and reflecting on the film's record-breaking production span. The film, an adaptation of Arthur Schnitzler's 1926 novella 'Traumnovelle,' took an astounding 400 days to shoot in the late 1990s, when Kidman was still in her twenties and Cruise reigned supreme as Hollywood's golden boy.
Kidman recounts that the shoot commenced with the trio spending significant time with Kubrick, a masterful director yet one who insisted they approach him as equals. The comfort level they achieved allowed Cruise and Kidman to contribute ideas freely and even improvise during filming. However, did Kubrick delve into their personal relationship to draw out those critically acclaimed performances?
"I suspect he did," Kidman muses. "He had certain ideas that piqued his interest. He would inquire deeply. But he had a firm grasp of the narrative he was crafting. I recall him saying, 'Triangles are intricate. One must tread carefully when dealing with them.' As it could make one feel outnumbered. But he was mindful of this and adept at navigating us."
Kubrick's rejection of hierarchy on the set and his insistence that all three were equals — "such hierarchical thinking impedes creativity," Kidman recalls him saying — entailed a few additional ground rules: no immediate rejections and no querying Kubrick's motivations for the characters' actions or dialogue.
"He abhorred sycophants," Kidman confesses. "Everyone had to pause for at least 10 seconds before declining an idea. I heard that, and as a young actress in my twenties, I thought, 'Alright, I'm on board.' It was experimental, akin to making student films in Australia."
When discussing the film and her character, Alice, the wife on the verge of infidelity, Kidman articulates her thoughts on who Alice is and why she delivers a vengeful monologue to her devastated husband, a doctor, about her near-temptation into adultery, igniting the film's narrative.
"Humanity is devastating," Kidman laments. "We never truly have access to someone's innermost thoughts. You may think you know someone, but you might not. It's not always pleasant to hear, but it's profoundly honest."
Two and a half years after the filming of 'Eyes Wide Shut' commenced, Kubrick presented a cut to Kidman, Cruise, and Warner Bros. executives. Six days later, he passed away. Given the film's extensive production, which sidelined Kidman in Hollywood for years as her career was burgeoning, would she embark on such a journey again?
"I would have stayed for a third year," she declares. "Does that mean I'm insane?"