The gripping tale of a boy orphaned amidst Mexico's drug-ravaged landscape, helmed by visionary directors Astrid Rondero and Fernanda Valadez, has secured Mexico's spot in the prestigious Best International Feature category at the 2025 Oscars. Triumphantly emerging as the Sundance Film Festival's Grand Jury Prize winner for World Cinema, 'Sujo' not only premiered to acclaim this year but is now embarking on a global festival journey, with screenings slated for San Sebastian and the London Film Festival this autumn.
This poignant coming-of-age narrative revolves around Sujo, the titular protagonist, whose life is forever altered when his father, a small-town cartel enforcer, falls victim to betrayal and murder. Plunged into a perilous world where the cartels mercilessly eliminate male heirs to prevent vengeance, Sujo seeks refuge in the mountains, his only companions his aunts and two young cousins. But as a young man, the allure of his father's legacy and the criminal underworld pulls Sujo back into its dark embrace, setting him on a collision course with destiny.
Juan Jesús Varela, who captivated audiences in 'Identifying Features,' brings a raw intensity to the role of Sujo, while Yadira Pérez, Alexis Varela, Sandra Lorenzano, Jairo Hernández, and Kevin Aguilar round out the stellar cast. The film, a labor of love for Rondero and Valadez, was produced alongside an esteemed team including Diana Casarreal, Jewerl Keats Ross, Virginie Devesa, Jean-Baptiste Bailly-Maitre, and Nicolas Celis.
The Forge has secured the North American distribution rights for 'Sujo,' promising a limited theatrical release starting November 29th. With nine nominations and one victory (Alfonso Cuarón's 'Roma' in 2018), Mexico's track record in the Best International Feature category is impressive. Yet, despite recent Oscar shortlist inclusions, including 'Tótem,' 'Bardo,' 'Prayers for the Stolen,' and 'I'm No Longer Here,' none have secured a nomination in the past four years.
The anticipation builds as the 2025 Best International Feature shortlist is unveiled on December 17th, leading to the nominations announcement on January 17th, 2025. The ultimate accolade will be awarded during the 97th Academy Awards ceremony on March 2nd, where 'Sujo' stands poised to make its mark on cinematic history.