In the captivating movie, Zoe brings to life the character of Rita, an exceptionally skilled lawyer who feels overshadowed in her law firm, where the focus seemingly shifts towards aiding criminals rather than seeking justice. Her uneventful life takes an unexpected turn when she crosses paths with the infamous drug cartel leader, portrayed by Karla Sofía Gascón. This notorious figure approaches Rita, asking for her assistance in undergoing a gender transition surgery to fulfill his lifelong dream of becoming a woman. Selena stars alongside them as his unsuspecting wife, embarking on this remarkable journey.
After the movie's screening at the Cannes Film Festival on May 18, Saturday, Selena and the rest of the cast were treated to a resounding nine-minute standing ovation, accompanied by cheers, whistles, and hearty applause. According to Variety, Selena was overwhelmed with emotions, tears streaming down her face, while Zoe and Édgar Ramírez shared an emotional hug amidst the thunderous applause.
The film is divided into four Acts, further enhancing its narrative with original songs performed by the cast throughout. According to Variety, 'Emilia Pérez' is set to hit the big screens in France on August 28, 2024.
Selena has described her latest role in 'Emilia Pérez' as one of the most challenging yet rewarding experiences of her career. Speaking on the Smartless podcast in January, the actress revealed, "There's a scene where I'm being left alone — without giving away too much — and I remember channeling the moment when I had to go to rehab for the first time and leave everything behind. It felt cathartic to relive that terrifying moment and let it all out."
She continued, "I believe that moments from my life can be used as inspiration, and it feels incredibly fulfilling. It's like a good cry; it leaves you feeling refreshed and renewed." When asked about her acting career, she confessed, "I don't think I've even scratched the surface of what I'm capable of achieving." She added that she is "very selective" about her roles, preferring to earn them through auditions rather than accepting every offer that comes her way.
"I fight for the roles I want, and I'm always auditioning. I like to earn it," she concluded, emphasizing her dedication and passion for her craft.