SF Studios embarks on an ambitious collaboration to co-produce and distribute "Kalevala: The Story of Kullervo," a lavish historical drama that draws inspiration from Finland's cherished national epic, "Kalevala." Under the visionary direction of Antti J. Jokinen, renowned for his works such as "Helene" and "Purge," this cinematic endeavor promises to be a masterpiece.
The film boasts an ensemble of Nordic stars, with Elias Salonen, who captivated audiences in "Adults" and "Siege," and Eero Aho, a standout in "The Unknown Soldier," set to lead the charge in captivating performances. Johanna Enäsuo and Marko Röhr of ReelMedia helm the production, while SF Studios secures its distribution across the Nordic region, with a highly anticipated theatrical premiere in Finnish cinemas slated for early 2026. REinvent has joined forces to navigate the film's international sales, ensuring a global reach for this epic tale.
"Kalevala: The Story of Kullervo" marks a milestone as the first feature film adaptation of the renowned Finnish epic poetry anthology, "Kalevala." This tome, a harmonious blend of Karelian and Finnish folklore and mythology, was meticulously compiled by Finnish physician and explorer Elias Lönnrot in 1835. Transporting audiences back to the 12th century, the film immerses them in the lush landscapes of North Karelia, with Bomba, nestled by the serene Lake Pielinen in Nurmes, serving as the primary backdrop.
To bring this historical era to life, elaborate sets are being meticulously constructed, including intricately detailed houses, storehouses, and courtyards, all contributing to the film's immersive atmosphere. As filming commences in mid-September, anticipation mounts for this cinematic journey that promises to captivate hearts and minds with its rich narrative and stunning visuals, forever etching "Kalevala: The Story of Kullervo" into the annals of cinematic excellence.
"With immense pride, SF Studios embarks on a journey to bring this enthralling tale of local might to the forefront of audiences' hearts," proclaimed Yaba Holst, Executive Producer at SF Studios. Holst elaborated, "This daring endeavor stirs up an array of anticipations, stringent requirements, and boundless enthusiasm. Our seamless collaboration with Reel Media and the visionary director Antti Jokinen has fostered a promise of an unparalleled cinematic spectacle, tailored for the Finnish silver screen."
The star-studded cast, alongside Salonen and Aho, boasts the talents of Ilkka Koivula, Olli Rahkonen, Krista Kosonen, and Johannes Holopainen, weaving a tapestry of cinematic magic.
"For REinvent, 'Kalevala' is nothing short of a dream project come to life," echoed Rikke Ennis, CEO of REinvent International Sales. "Antti, a director of unparalleled prowess, fills us with confidence that he will expertly navigate the creation of this monumental action epic, deeply rooted in the Nordic mythology of Kalevala," added Ennis, a seasoned leader who previously helmed TrustNordisk.
'Kalevala: The Story of Kullervo' stands as a collaborative masterpiece between Antti J. Jokinen's Storm Inc. and the dynamic duo of Marko Röhr and Johanna Enäsuo's ReelMedia Oy. This cinematic odyssey is further bolstered by partnerships with SF Studios, the Finnish Film Foundation, and Yleisradio, and generously supported by the North Karelia Cooperative Society (PKO), Nordisk Film & TV Fond, and the Regional Council of North Karelia. Together, they forge a legend that will resonate with audiences worldwide.