The groundbreaking drama, "How to Make Millions Before Grandma Dies," has already amassed a staggering $34 million at the box office across Southeast Asia and Australia, marking the auspicious debut of director Pat Boonnitipat and featuring the charismatic singer-actor Putthipong Assaratanakul, better known as Billkin. This juggernaut of Thai cinema in 2024 is poised to embark on a daring expedition few commercial films from the kingdom have dared to undertake: captivating moviegoers worldwide.
Crafted by the hit-making Bangkok-based studio GDH, "How to Make Millions Before Grandma Dies" has resonated deeply with audiences, offering a fresh, unapologetic spin on the tale of a cunning young man who abandons his job to care for his ailing grandmother, harboring dreams of inheriting her vast wealth. The film's success has been nothing short of phenomenal, raking in the highest grosses ever for a Thai film in Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, the Philippines, Myanmar, Australia, and New Zealand.
On Monday, producers unveiled a stellar line-up of international theatrical releases, underscoring the film's global appeal. North American audiences will get a taste on September 13th through Well Go USA, while China welcomes it on August 23rd via Teamer Media. South Korea, the UK & Ireland, the Netherlands, Belgium, and India are also set to embrace the film, with specific dates ranging from October to December, handled by NK Contents, Vertigo Releasing, Vedette Film, and PVR respectively, with India's release date yet to be determined. Nelson Mok of Mokster Films masterminded the international sales, remarking, "It's incredibly encouraging to witness distributors' eagerness to bring this film to their audiences, even in markets where Southeast Asian films have yet to establish a strong commercial foothold. Evidently, the narrative has deeply moved them."
At the helm of this cinematic triumph is first-time director Pat Boonnitipat, who also collaborated on the screenplay. The film boasts a stellar cast, led by the immensely popular Billkin and the 78-year-old screen debutante, actress Usha Seamkhum. GDH, renowned for nurturing Thai talent, has a track record of crafting international sensations, with its 2017 high school thriller "Bad Genius," directed by Nattawut "Baz" Poonpiriya, initially captivating Thailand before exploding in popularity in China, grossing an impressive $41 million.