Rupert Sanders helms the graphic novel adaptation reboot, a daring endeavor that follows the polarizing 1994 cult classic directed by Alex Proyas. As "The Crow" soars into theaters with its maiden flight, producer Molly Hassell voices her astonishment at the lack of support from the original film's creative team towards this new incarnation.
Bill Skarsgård takes the reins as the lead in this fresh take on the beloved graphic novel, guided by Sanders' vision, exactly three decades after Brandon Lee's iconic portrayal in the 1994 film that tragically claimed his life. Hassell, reflecting on the project, exclaimed to The Hollywood Reporter, "It should evoke a sense of pride within all who were part of the original journey. I'm perplexed why it hasn't inspired more pride among the original filmmakers, for this is a leap into uncharted territory, yet a vital step in reexamining the timeless themes of love and loss."
"The Crow" weaves a tale of star-crossed lovers, Eric (Skarsgård) and Shelly (FKA Twigs), whose lives are shattered by a brutal murder orchestrated by the demons of her past. With the power to save his beloved by sacrificing himself, Eric embarks on a relentless quest for vengeance, traversing the realms of life and death to right the wrongs. Sanders' direction stems from a script crafted by Zach Baylin and William Schneider, who jointly aspire to create a new narrative path.
Schneider elaborated to THR, "We steered clear of retracing the same footsteps, as we felt it would diminish the film's essence. Instead, we forged our own path, celebrating the original while declaring, 'We've discovered a fresh angle, and we wish for both versions to coexist, each with their distinct audience and admirers.' Our hope is that viewers leave the theater reinvigorated in their love for those they cherish, recognizing that amidst grief and loss, lies the strength of sacrifice and unwavering devotion."
Skarsgård steps into the shoes once filled by Brandon Lee, whose untimely death on set during the filming of the original remains etched in cinematic history. Over the past three decades, numerous attempts at remaking "The Crow" have surfaced, with names like Mark Wahlberg, Jason Momoa, Bradley Cooper, James McAvoy, Tom Hiddleston, and even Skarsgård's own brother, Alexander, attached to various iterations before Sanders' vision came to fruition.
Despite Sanders' assurance that the reboot would honor the legacy of the original, early reviews have been met with a mixed bag of reactions, particularly in light of Alex Proyas' candid stance against the remake. In a heartfelt social media post, Proyas expressed, "I find no joy in critiquing fellow filmmakers' work. I'm confident the cast and crew approached this with the purest intentions, as we all do in filmmaking. Yet, it grieves me to delve deeper, but the fans' response speaks volumes. 'The Crow' transcends being merely a movie; it's a testament to Brandon Lee's lost brilliance and the tragic circumstances that enveloped his life. It's his legacy, and that's how it should forever remain."
Even screenwriter Cliff Dorfman, who was once attached to a separate remake effort, left a now-deleted tweet lambasting Sanders' version as "unwatchable," urging potential viewers to steer clear.
As "The Crow" prepares to take flight on August 23, audiences will have the opportunity to judge for themselves whether this reboot soars or stumbles in its ambitious endeavor to recapture the magic of the original while carving its own unique path.