Based on the captivating novel by Robinne Lee, the film, "The Idea of You," revolves around the charming Solène Marchand, a vibrant 40-year-old single mother essayed by Hathaway. In a refreshing turn of events, Solène embarks on a mother-daughter bonding trip to the exuberant Coachella festival, accompanied by her 16-year-old daughter.
Amidst the festival's electric atmosphere, Solène's path crosses with Hayes Campbell, a charming 24-year-old boy band sensation portrayed by Galitzine. Their unexpected encounter blossoms into a romantic journey that ignites Solène's life with renewed passion and excitement.
Hathaway brings Solène Marchand, whose name is Sophie in the original novel, to vivid life, capturing her resilience and warmth. Galitzine shines as Hayes Campbell, Solène's love interest, whose charm and talent captivate the audience.
Rounding out the cast are a talented ensemble, including Mathilda Gianopoulos, Ella Rubin, Annie Mumolo, Reid Scott, Perry Mattfeld, Jordan Aaron Hall, Jaiden Anthony, Raymond Cham, Vik White, and Dakota Adan, each bringing their unique flare to the story.
The official trailer, released in March 2024, offers a peek into the evolving romance between Solène and Hayes, highlighting their chemistry and the film's vibrant festival setting.
"The Idea of You" premiered at the South by Southwest festival on March 16, 2024, and was subsequently released by Amazon MGM Studios as a Prime Video original film on May 2, 2024. The film garnered rave reviews from critics, praised for its heartfelt portrayal of love and second chances.