In the captivating trailer for 'A Different Man,' Sebastian Stan's portrayal of Edward showcases a man who learns the perils of wishing too hard. Edward, afflicted with neurofibromatosis on his face, sees his disfigurement as a barrier to confidence, keeping him secluded from the world. Yet, Ingrid (Renate Reinsve), his charming new neighbor, emerges as one of his rare confidantes.
Amidst this solitude, Ollie (Billy Griffith), another neighbor, offers a profound advice inspired by Lady Gaga: "All unhappiness in life stems from not accepting what is." When a chance arises to test an experimental drug that promises to "heal" Edward, he grasps it eagerly. The transformation into a handsome man brings its own allures, as he's now feted at the office, no longer overlooked. His coworker Nick (Owen Kline) even exclaims, holding up a magazine cutout of Edward, "Look at this hunk of a man!"
However, Edward's newfound self-assurance falters when, amidst a night out with colleagues, he encounters Oswald (Adam Pearson), a charismatic individual also born with neurofibromatosis. Oswald's magnetism draws everyone in, even Ingrid, much to Edward's dismay. Oswald himself admits, "I'm sensing I've messed things up for you." But this seems like a gross underestimation, as Edward, in a fit of rage, grabs Oswald's face and screams, "Take that off!" while another tries to break up the physical altercation.
The official synopsis reveals, "Aspiring actor Edward undergoes a radical medical procedure to drastically transform his appearance. But his newfound dream face swiftly turns into a nightmare, as he becomes consumed with reclaiming what was once lost." Speaking to The Hollywood Reporter at Sundance, writer-director Aaron Schimberg revealed that after working with Pearson in 'Chained for Life' in 2019, audiences mistook the actor's shyness for his character's, "which is far from the real Adam." For 'A Different Man,' Schimberg aimed to showcase Pearson's charm, portraying a character on the "opposite end" of the personality spectrum. "[Oswald] is a very outgoing character, and this role brought out another facet of Adam," said the filmmaker. 'A Different Man' is set to hit theaters on September 20.