The Australian rendition of the beloved comedy juggernaut, "The Office" – marking its 13th global iteration – is taking form with a definitive stride, as Prime Video announces its premiere date and unveils a tantalizing glimpse of its lead protagonist, the talented Felicity Ward. Ward, renowned for her roles in "Time Bandits" and "Wakefield," embodies Hannah Howard, the pioneering female managing director of Flinley Craddick Packaging Company and the first female lead to grace the iconic "The Office" franchise. Set to captivate audiences worldwide (excluding the U.S.), all eight episodes will grace Prime Video's platform on October 18th.
Ward is joined by a stellar ensemble of Australian and New Zealand comedic talents, weaving a tapestry of laughter and wit. The cast boasts Edith Poor from "The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power," Steen Raskopoulos of "The Duchess," Shari Sebbens from "The Sapphires," Josh Thomson in "How to Please a Woman," Jonny Brugh from "Thor: Love and Thunder," Susan Ling Young in "Reckoning" and "Hungry Ghosts," Raj Labade in "Appetite," Lucy Schmidt of "The Pledge," Zoe Terakes from "Talk to Me," Pallavi Sharda in "The Twelve," and Claude Jabbour in "Last King of the Cross." Additionally, the series features guest appearances by Susie Youssef from "Deadloch," Justin Rosniiak in "Mr Inbetween," Carlo Ritchie of "Mikki vs the World," Rick Donald from "Population 11," and Chris Bunton in "Relic."
In this Australian adaptation of "The Office," Howard confronts a daunting directive from headquarters: her branch is set to close, forcing a shift to remote work. This turn of events propels her into survival mode, where she embarks on a series of audacious promises to preserve the cohesion of her beloved "work family." As Howard navigates her outrageous schemes, the Flinley Craddick staff indulges her antics while striving towards seemingly unachievable targets.
Produced in collaboration by BBC Studios Australia & New Zealand, Bunya Entertainment, and Amazon MGM Studios, this Amazon Original series is based on the iconic BBC Studios format. The Australian version is the brainchild of writers Julie De Fina ("Aftertaste") and Jackie van Beek ("The Breaker Upperers," "Nude Tuesday"), who also serve as executive producers. Kylie Washington ("Return to Paradise") adds her expertise as executive producer, alongside lead producer Sophia Zachariou ("Ladies in Black," "The Moth Effect") and producer Linda Micsko ("The Letdown," "Laid"). Van Beek doubles as set-up director, accompanied by Christiaan Van Vuuren ("Bondi Hipsters," "A Sunburnt Christmas") and Jesse Griffin ("Educators"), the latter also contributing his writing talents to the series.