Minnie Driver is embarking on an exhilarating journey, venturing into the vibrant DC animated universe in a role that's sure to surprise and delight fans alike. The esteemed Academy Award nominee has been unveiled as the voice behind Oswalda Cobbelpot, a gender-bending reinterpretation of the iconic Penguin character, during the electrifying Batman: Caped Crusader panel at the prestigious San Diego Comic-Con.
The panel, which showcased the premiere episode featuring Driver's mesmerizing debut as The Penguin, captivated audiences with its innovative take on the Dark Knight's world. Driver herself graced the occasion, engaging in a lively discussion alongside her esteemed co-stars Hamish Linklater and Jamie Chung, as well as the visionary executive producer Matt Reeves. The festivities kicked off with a heartfelt video message from EP Bruce Timm, setting the stage for an unforgettable experience.
Produced by the renowned duo of J.J. Abrams and Matt Reeves, this 10-episode animated series promises to be a thrilling ride, streaming exclusively on Prime Video from August 1st. Linklater lends his voice to Bruce Wayne's transformation into the enigmatic Batman, a figure who embodies both the best and the worst of humanity. His solitary crusade draws unlikely allies within the GCPD and City Hall, but also unleashes a chain of unforeseen and dangerous consequences, as depicted in Prime Video's intriguing synopsis.
Chung adds her unique charm to the role of Harley Quinn, while Christina Ricci brings her feline finesse to Catwoman. The stellar voice cast further boasts the talents of Diedrich Bader as Harvey Dent, Jason Watkins as Alfred Pennyworth, and a myriad of other celebrated actors including Mckenna Grace, Eric Morgan Stuart, Michelle C. Bonilla, Krystal Joy Brown, John DiMaggio, Paul Scheer, Reid Scott, Tom Kenny, Gary Anthony Williams, Dan Donohue, David Krumholtz, Haley Joel Osment, and Toby Stephens.
Together, they breathe life into a vibrant and captivating animated universe, inviting viewers to embark on an extraordinary adventure with the Caped Crusader and his unlikely allies.