Benedict Cumberbatch's world underwent a transformation when he embarked on the journey of fatherhood. In an interview with Variety, posted on January 22nd, the 48-year-old actor revealed that becoming a dad to his sons, Christopher "Kit," aged 9, Hal, 7, and Finn, 6, with his wife Sophie Hunter, has profoundly altered his life's priorities. "The instant you welcome children into your life, the awareness of time's fleeting nature sinks in with a much deeper resonance," he shared with the outlet. "Tomorrow, my youngest turns 6, and I find myself thinking, 'I'll be in my 60s when he's just 21.' It's mind-boggling how swiftly time flies," Cumberbatch continued. "This shift in priorities is monumental, prompting a fundamentally different appreciation for the way I spend my days."
He further elaborated, "It's a heavy burden, this realization of mortality that accompanies parenthood." Though Cumberbatch seldom discusses his children in public, during his February 2022 Hollywood Walk of Fame induction speech, he fondly referenced his family. While heaping praise on his wife for her unwavering support, he mentioned, "Together, we've nurtured an extraordinary family of three remarkable little souls, about whom I could speak volumes, but I'll spare you the details, as you can imagine how deeply I cherish them."
"They are incredible beings who have taught me immensely and, at times, unlearned some of my habits too," he added warmly. Cumberbatch then painted a vivid picture of his family's domestic life, revealing that his kids treat him just like any other parent might be treated. He chuckled, "For those who might wonder if I can handle the aftermath of such a grand celebration, let me assure you, 'Shut up, dad,' 'You're such a silly dummy,' being playfully hit in the face, and wrestling matches are a daily routine at our house. Thank you, boys, for keeping me grounded."
Though his children weren't present at the ceremony, Cumberbatch expressed hope for a future visit to his star. He concluded, "Perhaps one day, incognito, we'll sneak out here and capture a moment together in front of dad's star. You are my shining stars, and I adore you endlessly."