A young and promising actor, who graced the screens of Showtime's hit series "Billions" and shone brightly as the lead in OWN's acclaimed drama "David Makes Man," while also making notable appearances in several feature films, has been ensnared in a tragic web of murder charges. The arrest and subsequent accusation stem from the untimely demise of another young man, casting a dark shadow over the actor's promising career.
On Sunday, the Harris County Sheriff's Office issued a statement via Sheriff Ed Gonzalez's Facebook page, revealing that 21-year-old Akili McDowell had been charged with murder in the fatal shooting of Cesar Peralta. McDowell, who was apprehended and incarcerated in the Harris County Jail, finds himself at the center of a harrowing homicide investigation.
The fateful events unfolded on July 20th, when law enforcement officials rushed to the parking lot of an apartment complex situated at 13503 North Thorntree in East Harris County. There, they stumbled upon a devastating scene – an adult male, estimated to be in his early twenties, lying lifeless, riddled with gunshot wounds. The victim was later identified as 20-year-old Cesar Peralta, whose life was cruelly cut short.
McDowell, who portrayed the character of Savion Williams in two episodes of the high-stakes drama "Billions," also garnered praise for his leading role in "David Makes Man," a poignant tale of a young prodigy's struggle to escape the grasp of poverty, penned by the talented Tarell Alvin McCraney of "Moonlight" fame. The show, which debuted in 2019, captivated audiences over the course of two seasons, comprising 20 episodes. Additionally, McDowell was poised to star in the upcoming film "The Waterboyz," further showcasing his burgeoning talent.
However, the actor's life took a drastic turn when he was arrested on August 2nd on suspicion of murder. Disturbingly, records indicate that McDowell was already out on bail for a separate theft charge, which he had been booked for just a day prior to his arrest in connection with Peralta's murder.
An email inquiring about McDowell's arrest, sent to the Harris County Sheriff's Department, remained unanswered as of Monday afternoon. As the investigation deepens, McDowell remains in custody at the Harris County Jail Facility, with a bond set at a staggering $400,000. The police have urged the public to come forward with any information that could aid in the case, emphasizing that their inquiry is very much an ongoing process. The phone line to the Homicide Unit, 713-274-9100, stands as a beacon of hope for justice in this tragic tale.