Bollywood luminary Saif Ali Khan is on the mend following a harrowing ordeal where he was brutally stabbed multiple times during a suspected home invasion at his Mumbai residence. The 54-year-old, a beloved figure in the Indian film industry, sustained at least six deep stab wounds, including a perilous one close to his spine, during an attempted robbery at his Bandra home early on Thursday, January 16th, as reported by ANI news agency.
Dr. Nitin Dange of the prestigious Lilavati Hospital, where Khan is undergoing treatment, revealed to reporters that the actor had suffered a significant injury to his thoracic spinal cord due to a knife embedded in his spine, according to the BBC. "A delicate surgery was performed to extract the knife and address the leakage of spinal fluid. Additionally, the plastic surgery team repaired two other profound wounds on his left hand and one on his neck," added Dange.
In a statement to ANI, Khan's team conveyed, "Saif Ali Khan has successfully undergone surgery and is now out of harm's way. He is currently in the recovery phase, with doctors closely monitoring his condition. All family members are safe, and the police are actively investigating the incident." The statement further expressed gratitude to Dr. Niraj Uttamani, Dr. Nitin Dange, Dr. Leena Jain, and the entire team at Lilavati Hospital, as well as to Khan's fans and well-wishers for their heartfelt prayers and support during this challenging time.
Mumbai's deputy police commissioner, Dixit Gedam, stated that the attack is under thorough investigation, with a city-wide search for the perpetrators in full swing. "One suspect has been identified but remains at large and is being actively pursued," Gedam informed Sky News. "He gained entry to the house through a fire escape and accessed the stairs. We are also looking into the involvement of others. Our police teams are spread across Mumbai and have even ventured beyond the city limits."
Khan is married to fellow Bollywood star Kareena Kapoor, and the couple shares two children, Taimur, aged 8, and Jeh, 4. Kapoor's team, via the Indian Express, issued a statement requesting media and fans to exercise patience and refrain from speculation, as the police were already conducting a thorough investigation. "There was an attempted burglary at Saif Ali Khan and Kareena Kapoor Khan's residence last night. Saif sustained an injury on his arm and is currently undergoing treatment in the hospital. The rest of the family is doing well. We kindly request everyone to wait for the official updates from the police," the statement read.