"Chicago Med" is embarking on its tenth thrilling season with the addition of two fresh, series regular faces – Sarah Ramos and Darren Barnet, who have been expertly cast in the esteemed NBC medical drama. Ramos will breathe life into the character of Dr. Caitlin Lenox, while Barnet assumes the role of Dr. John Frost, both joining the esteemed ensemble that includes S. Epatha Merkerson, Oliver Platt, Marlyne Barrett, Jessy Schram, Steven Weber, and Luke Mitchell.
Ramos, whose star continues to shine brightly, recently captivated audiences in the hit FX series "The Bear." Her impressive resume also boasts lead roles in critically acclaimed shows like "Parenthood," the mystical "Midnight, Texas," and the basketball-centric drama "Winning Time." Her creative prowess extends beyond the screen, as evidenced by her 2017 web series "City Girl," a testament to her talents as a writer, director, and star – all based on a screenplay crafted by the talented actress at the tender age of 12. Ramos' filmography is equally impressive, with credits in "Babylon," the charming romantic comedy "The Boy Downstairs," and the powerful "Ask for Jane." She is represented by the prestigious Echo Lake Entertainment and Ziffren Brittenham, further testament to her rising star status.
With such accomplished actors joining the already formidable cast of "Chicago Med," Season 10 promises to be a heart-pumping, emotionally charged journey that will keep viewers on the edge of their seats.
Barnet has etched his name in the hearts of viewers worldwide, most prominently for his captivating portrayal in the wildly popular Netflix series "Never Have I Ever," which enthralled audiences across four thrilling seasons. Beyond that, his vocal talents have graced Netflix's animated realm, lending life to characters in the exhilarating "Blue Eyed Samurai," the enigmatic "Skull Island," the adrenaline-pumping "Jurassic World: Chaos Theory," and the charming "Samurai Rabbit."
His cinematic journey is equally impressive, with notable appearances in films like "Anyone but You," where he captivated with his nuanced performance, the adrenaline-fueled "Road House," and the romantic comedy "Love Hard," where he stole hearts with his endearing charm.
Represented by the esteemed agencies of Paradigm, 111 Media, and Felker Toczek, Barnet continues to soar in the entertainment industry. Adding another feather to his cap, he joins the esteemed cast of "Chicago Med" as it embarks on its milestone 10th season, premiering on NBC on September 25th at 8 p.m. ET/PT. As the inaugural show of the Wednesday night One Chicago block, "Chicago Med" promises to captivate viewers once again, driven by the masterful executive production of Dick Wolf, Allen MacDonald, Stephen Hootstein, and Peter Jankowski. Produced by Universal Television in collaboration with Wolf Entertainment, this new season is poised to raise the bar even higher, showcasing Barnet's remarkable talent amidst a star-studded ensemble.