Netflix's espionage thriller, "The Night Agent," is embarking on an ambitious journey of expansion, with Genesis Rodriguez, who delivered a memorable performance in "Lioness," currently in negotiations to bring her talent to the show's eagerly anticipated third season. The streaming giant has given the green light for this highly anticipated new chapter, which stars Gabriel Basso as a humble FBI agent inadvertently thrust into a vast conspiracy. Rodriguez is poised to join the cast as a series regular for season three, as production prepares to kick off in Istanbul, before relocating to New York early next year. Details about her character remain tightly under wraps, and Netflix has declined to comment on the matter.
Meanwhile, season two of "The Night Agent" is all set to premiere on January 23rd. In this installment, Peter Sutherland (played by Basso) earns his stripes as a Night Agent following his daring exploits in the first season. However, his new role within the clandestine Night Action organization plunges him into a perilous world, where danger lurks in every shadow and trust is a precious commodity.
Currently, Rodriguez stars in season two of another spy-themed thriller, "Lioness," on Paramount+. Her impressive resume boasts credits in Netflix's "The Umbrella Academy" and "Neon," feature films such as "Identity Thief" and "Run All Night," as well as voice roles in animated hits like "Big Hero 6" and "She-Ra and the Princesses of Power." Rodriguez is represented by UTA, Untitled Entertainment, and Jackoway Austen.
"The Night Agent," created and showrun by Shawn Ryan, is based on a novel by Matthew Quirk and produced by Sony Pictures TV. Ryan executive produces the second season alongside a talented team including Marney Hochman, Paul Bernard, Munis Rashid, Guy Ferland, Seth Gordon, and Julia Gunn of Exhibit A Films, David Beaubaire of Sunset Lane Media, and Paul Neinstein, William Sherak, Nicole Tossou, and James Vanderbilt of Project X Entertainment. This star-studded production promises to captivate audiences with its gripping storyline and exceptional performances.