In a heartfelt conversation with her beloved Charmed costars, Brian Krause and Drew Fuller, Holly Marie Combs poignantly recounted the unexpected passing of Shannen Doherty, sharing intimate insights into her final days. Combs emotionally revealed that Doherty, who passed away on July 13th at the age of 53 after a protracted battle with cancer, hadn't anticipated her journey's swift conclusion, harboring grand aspirations for their cherished friendship and the upcoming year.
"We both thought we had more time, so many plans yet to fulfill," Combs confessed during a special episode of The House of Halliwell, the Charmed rewatch podcast. "She genuinely believed she had plenty of road ahead, not realizing the turn fate had in store." Combs recounted Doherty's anticipation of an upcoming trip to Italy, even contemplating a permanent move there, adding a poignant twist as Fuller recounted hastily curtailing his own Italian vacation upon learning of her demise. "She would've been chuckling at your mad dash through the airport," Combs mused, painting a vivid picture of Doherty's playful spirit.
Fuller reflected on Doherty's indomitable spirit, her "superpower" of masking her illness, remarking, "In her presence, you forgot. She radiated vitality, her plans for a vibrant future seemingly limitless. From globe-trotting adventures to building dreams in Tennessee and Italy, she lived each moment as if eternity awaited."
As a tribute to Doherty, Combs announced her intention to ink a tattoo commemorating the exact time of her friend's passing, symbolizing their shared grief over the stolen time and unfulfilled dreams. "We both thought we had more time," she lamented, vowing to carry out Doherty's aspirations in her memory.
Combs also shared a heartwarming anecdote of Doherty's bond with Rose McGowan, who took over her role in Charmed. Their chance encounter at Comicpalooza in Houston sparked a profound connection over dinner, a testament to the depth of their newfound friendship. "Rose has been my rock through this grief," Combs said, relaying McGowan's words of comfort: "Remember, she's always with you. Live for her now."
Doherty's legacy transcended her acting career, as Combs revealed her desire to be remembered not as "the actress who had cancer," but for her unwavering commitment to animal activism. Her final crusade included establishing a sanctuary for wild horses, a testament to her unwavering compassion. Combs also announced her involvement in a documentary on seal pups, a project Doherty had eagerly anticipated joining before her passing. "We'll include her name in the credits, for I know precisely what path she would've guided me on," Combs concluded, her voice filled with reverence and love for her departed friend.