Ilana Glazer has unveiled a hilarious new comedy special, aptly titled "Human Magic," exclusively on Hulu. Captured live at the storied Elgin and Winter Garden Theatre Centre in Toronto during a grueling yet exhilarating 48-city odyssey across the U.S. and Canada in May of this year, "Human Magic" marks her triumphant return to the stand-up stage after the acclaimed "Ilana Glazer: The Planet Is Burning," which ignited conversations on Amazon Prime Video in 2020 with her razor-sharp wit tackling homophobia, Nazism, the mediocrity of women's razors, and the absurdity of patriarchy.
Glazer, a household name synonymous with the groundbreaking Comedy Central series "Broad City," where she co-conceived, co-helmed, and co-starred alongside Abbi Jacobson, continues to expand her artistic horizons. Beyond the web series' meteoric rise to a five-season run on Comedy Central, Glazer's filmography boasts impressive credits like co-writing and starring in Pamela Adlon's upcoming 2024 comedy "Babes" and John Lee's thrilling 2021 horror flick "False Positive." Her acting prowess has also graced the silver screen in "Rough Night," produced by "Broad City" EPs Lucia Aniello and Paul W. Downs, as well as Apple TV+'s "The Afterparty" Season 1 and both seasons of Netflix's delightful "Green Eggs and Ham" series.
Directed by the talented Jeff Tomsic and produced by Rotten Science and Starrpix, "Human Magic" adds a sparkling new gem to Hulu's burgeoning "Hularious" stand-up comedy brand, which is set to ignite laughter this November with Jim Gaffigan's "The Skinny." Joining the ranks of upcoming Hularious specials are the hilarious Bill Burr and Roy Wood Jr., with more hilarious talents lined up for announcement as the brand gears up to unleash a treasure trove of licensed specials from 800 Pound Gorilla, Comedy Dynamics, and other esteemed comedy hubs. Get ready for a magical ride of laughter and insight with Ilana Glazer's "Human Magic."