The actor, once a renowned wrestler, vowed to embark on a farewell tour spanning numerous matches, culminating in a legendary final showdown, yet he confessed to feeling physically "at the twilight of my career." John Cena announced his intention to retire from professional wrestling in 2024, after two decades of captivating fans in the ring. On a starlit Saturday evening, Cena delivered an emotional address to a packed stadium of loyal WWE fans in Toronto. As the news sunk in, the crowd erupted in disappointment, booing in unison. However, Cena pledged a farewell tour filled with countless matches and a climatic final match, reassuring his supporters that he would continue to contribute to the wrestling franchise that catapulted him to fame.
"I am profoundly grateful for the opportunity to perform in the arena you have built for me over these many years," Cena said, addressing the roaring crowd. In a press conference following the event, Cena revealed that while he feels physically "at the end of my road," it doesn't signify the end of his involvement with the sport he holds dear.
Cena, a 16-time WWE champion, made his debut in the early 2000s as the beloved "Doctor of Thuganomics," a rapper persona adorned in gold chains and a backward hat, who challenged his opponents with rap battles. He went on to portray numerous memorable characters, both inside the squared circle and on the silver screen. Cena starred in films such as 'Blockers' and 'The Suicide Squad,' making frequent appearances in the 'Fast & Furious' franchise. Recently, he thrilled audiences in the comedic thriller 'Argylle' and the blockbuster 'Barbie.' He also guest-starred in the recently released third season of FX's 'The Bear' and is set to host Discovery's Shark Week 2024 programming.