The illustrious musician's mother, Carol Bongiovi, gracefully departed this world on Tuesday, at the ripe age of 83. Jon Bon Jovi, deeply moved, offered a heartfelt tribute to his beloved mother. On the following day, he shared a captivating clip on Instagram, taken from his music video "Story of Love." The video portrayed Bon Jovi playing the guitar, interspersed with cherished family photos and nostalgic home videos. Alongside the video, he penned a poignant caption, "Momma, we carry you with us, always."
"Story of Love," a track featured on Bon Jovi's eponymous band's 2020 album, is a song that speaks volumes about the musician's profound love for his family. "I sat down intending to write a song for my children," he had said in a press release, "but I realized I was writing about my entire family—my children, my wife, and my parents." The lyrics resonate with profound sentiment, "Fathers love daughters like mothers love sons / They’ve been writing our story before there was one / From the day you arrive, ’til you walk, ’til you run / There is nothin’ but pride, there is nothin’ but love."
Carol Bongiovi passed away peacefully at the Monmouth Medical Center in Long Branch, NJ, on Tuesday, leaving behind a legacy of love and strength. In a statement released to various outlets, Bon Jovi reminisced, "Our mother was a force to be reckoned with, her indomitable spirit and unwavering can-do attitude have profoundly shaped this family."
In the recent Hulu docuseries "Thank You, Goodnight – The Bon Jovi Story," Bon Jovi recounted how his mother's unwavering support and encouragement played a pivotal role in his musical journey. "My mom was a florist who owned a small gift shop," he reminisced. "At some point, she brought home an acoustic guitar, along with a Roy Clark learn-at-home guitar book and record. I was just a kid, around 7 or 8 years old, and had no interest in it. I even remember throwing it down the basement stairs and breaking a tuning pick. But as I grew older, around 12 or 13, I started listening to the AM radio and pop songs, and that's when I discovered music in my own way."