Last September, Sky captivated the public with the announcement of a three-part docuseries titled House of Kardashian. The creators promised an in-depth exploration of the Kardashian dynasty's rise to fame, and to accomplish this, they enlisted a star-studded cast of insiders — none more notable than Caitlyn Jenner, Kris Jenner's former partner of two decades.
The collapse of Caitlyn and Kris's marriage and their eventual divorce in 2013 was a saga that played out in full view on Keeping Up With The Kardashians, leaving Caitlyn's relationship with the family in tatters for years to follow.
Now, over a decade since that divisive split, the drama between Caitlyn, Kris, and the Kardashian kids seems to have settled into a quieter chapter — making the family's surprise all the more jarring when Caitlyn unexpectedly appeared in the House of Kardashian trailer, hinting at revelations that would shake their world.
When the docuseries was revealed, reports stressed that Kris and the Kardashian clan had no editorial control over the project. And last night's Kardashians premiere underscored this fact as the family reacted to the trailer in real time, caught off guard and in the moment.
Gathered around a dining table at Scott Disick's abode, Khloé and Kris were queried by their host about whether they had seen the controversial trailer for the upcoming documentary. Without hesitation, he proceeded to play it on his phone, leaving the Kardashians stunned and scrambling to process the revelations that were sure to unfold.
In her candid confession, Khloé offers deeper insights into the making of the docuseries, revealing that it was pieced together without their direct participation. She shares that numerous close friends and colleagues, both from the past and present, were approached to participate in interviews. Regarding Caitlyn's decision to take part in the series, Khloé admits to having initial concerns but ultimately acknowledges that Caitlyn is "entirely free to choose her own path."
Over dinner with Scott, their frustration towards Caitlyn's treatment of the family, particularly Kris, becomes apparent. Scott laments, "Over the years, people have unfairly pointed fingers at Kris, as if she were the one initiating all the mean and unkind behavior." This prompts Khloé to suggest that Caitlyn has gone to great lengths to publicly portray Kris as the villain.
While Khloé seems betrayed by Caitlyn's participation in the docuseries, Kim adopts a more lenient approach. In her confessional, she states that her feelings are unhurt, even when Caitlyn alleges that she "calculated" her rise to fame.
Following the airing of House of Kardashian in October, Caitlyn faced public scrutiny over her involvement. She defended her actions, claiming that she did it with the best interests of the family at heart.