Bedford Media, the venture spearheaded by renowned model and entrepreneurial force Karlie Kloss and her husband, the astute investor Josh Kushner, has secured the publishing rights to Life magazine from Dotdash Meredith. This marks a triumphant return for Life, which was sadly silenced by Time Inc. over two decades ago. With this acquisition, Life is poised to reclaim its former glory.
Bedford Media vows to reintroduce Life as a vibrant print magazine, complemented by an engaging digital and video presence. "Life represents a beacon of hope and unity in today's chaotic media landscape," expressed Kloss in a statement. "As a fledgling media company, we are profoundly inspired by Life's legendary status and its ability to bridge diverse audiences through universal stories of humanity."
Life, first launched in 1883, found a new lease on life in 1936 when it was acquired by Time's founder Henry Luce. Luce redefined its editorial vision, harnessing the power of photography to narrate the news of the week. However, in 2000, Time Inc. shuttered Life due to its broad-ranging content focus.
This acquisition of Life signifies the broader ambitions of Kloss and Kushner within the media industry. Last year, the duo acquired i-D Magazine from Vice Media. As Bedford Media's tagline aptly states, "Blending iconic brands with innovative business models and audience engagement strategies, we prioritize quality and depth over ubiquity." This new Life will be a more targeted and focused publication, deviating from its previous general interest approach.
"Life's legacy lies in its unique ability to interweave culture, current affairs, and everyday life — spotlighting our triumphs, challenges, and distinctive perspectives," Kushner remarked, who will also helm the magazine as its publisher. Dotdash Meredith, which acquired the remnants of Time Inc. in 2021, will maintain Life's rich photo library and content archives, while continuing to curate occasional special editions centered around specific topics for newsstands.