Lisa Kudrow cherishes the memories of Matthew Perry. During her appearance on The Drew Barrymore Show, the actress emotionally recounted discovering a heartfelt note from her late Friends co-star, tucked inside a cookie jar that had been a memento from the sitcom's conclusion. "Matthew gifted me that jar at the wrap-up of our final episode," Kudrow said, her voice tinged with emotion as she referred to the jar. "I had recently unearthed the note he had slipped in for me, which I hadn't bothered to open or peek into. Indeed, he did leave a note, and I had completely forgotten about it." She added thoughtfully, "Timing truly is everything," though she refrained from divulging the contents of the note or the jar.
This heartfelt revelation came about when Barrymore inquired if Kudrow had ever taken anything from the set as a keepsake.
Following Perry's demise, Kudrow posted a poignant tribute on Instagram, reminiscing about the days they shot the pilot for Friends Like Us. "You suggested we play poker, and turned it into such a joyful bonding experience," she penned. "Thank you for that. And thank you for cracking me up so hard with your wit that my muscles ached and tears streamed down my face EVERY DAY."
She continued, "Thank you for wearing your heart on your sleeve in a complex six-way relationship that demanded compromise and endless 'talks.' Thank you for showing resilience and brilliance despite not being well. Thank you for granting me the best ten years of my life. Thank you for placing your trust in me."
Perry passed away on October 28, 2023, aged 54, due to lethal levels of ketamine in his system. Five individuals — including two doctors, Perry's live-in assistant, a TV producer, and a woman known as Los Angeles' "Ketamine Queen" — were apprehended and accused of providing Perry with the drugs that ultimately led to his fatal overdose.
Last October, Perry's mother expressed her satisfaction with the criminal cases tied to his passing. His stepfather echoed this sentiment in an interview with Today, stating, "What I hope, and I believe the agencies involved in this case hope too, is that those who deal in the deadly trade of supplying drugs to others are now on alert. Your professional credentials mean nothing. You're going down, buddy."