NBC's hit medical drama "Brilliant Minds" is embarking on an exciting new journey, expanding its stellar ensemble. On Sunday, during the Television Critics Association's press tour in Pasadena, showrunner Michael Grassi announced the addition of renowned actor Mandy Patinkin in a recurring role, alongside guest stars Steve Howey and André De Shields.
Both Howey and Patinkin will grace the screens for two gripping episodes. Patinkin will embody an esteemed family physician who joins the ranks of Bronx General Hospital, introducing his own "unorthodox methods" to the workplace. According to the press release, his penchant for home visits and longstanding patient bonds earn him the admiration of our protagonist, Dr. Wolf, fostering a mentor-protégé bond between the two. Grassi describes him as a "disruptive force" that "shakes up our world."
Howey will portray a "tough-as-nails motorcycle mechanic" who seeks Dr. Wolf's expertise after a gunshot wound, facing a "heart-wrenching choice." Meanwhile, De Shields will bring to life an "Alzheimer's patient residing in a hospice facility," whose life takes an unexpected turn as Dr. Wolf helps him reconnect with his loved ones.
The series, formerly titled "Dr. Wolf," follows the exploits of the larger-than-life neurologist, Dr. Oliver Wolf. This lead character is inspired by the renowned British neurologist and naturalist, Dr. Oliver Sacks, whose studies were documented in his non-fiction works such as "The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat" and "An Anthropologist on Mars." The most notable adaptation of Dr. Sacks' novels was the Oscar-nominated film "Awakenings," starring Robin Williams as Dr. Malcolm Sayer.
"Brilliant Minds" boasts an ensemble cast including Tamberla Perry, Ashleigh LaThrop, Alex MacNicoll, Aury Krebs, Spence Moore II, Teddy Sears, and Donna Murphy. The show is executive produced by an esteemed team, including Greg Berlanti, Sarah Schechter, Leigh London Redman, Lee Toland Krieger, DeMane Davis, Melissa Aouate, Henrik Bastin, Andy Serkis, Jonathan Cavendish, and Will Tennant. It is produced by Berlanti Productions, Fabel Entertainment, The Imaginarium, Grassi Productions, and Tavala, in association with Warner Bros. Television and Universal Television, a division of Universal Studio Group.