The psychological thriller "Mothers' Instinct," starring Anne Hathaway and Jessica Chastain, is gearing up for its anticipated release in Chinese cinemas. Directed by the esteemed cinematographer-turned-director Benoît Delhomme, this film takes us back to the captivating era of the 1960s. It showcases a pair of impeccable homemakers and neighboring best friends whose unbreakable bond is suddenly shattered by a devastating tragedy.
This English-language remake is a reimagining of the French-language masterpiece crafted by Belgium's Olivier Masset-Depasse in 2018. The original film was an adaptation of Barbara Abel's 2012 novel "Derriere La Haine," which captivated audiences with its intricate portrayal of female friendships and the complexities of motherhood.
On May 24, "Mothers' Instinct" will hit 2,500 screens across China, promising to thrill and captivate moviegoers. It seems destined to engage in a fierce competition with another English-language blockbuster, "The Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare," which is also scheduled for release on the same day, as confirmed by Variety. Get ready for an intense and emotionally charged cinematic experience!