Embark on a journey into the tumultuous adult lives of the enduring, emotionally charged duo, Lenù and Lila, in the thrilling conclusion of HBO's acclaimed series, "My Brilliant Friend." Rooted in Elena Ferrante's globally adored Neapolitan Novel series, spanning from "My Brilliant Friend" to the finale, "The Story of the Lost Child," Season 4 promises a captivating finale. Watch the tantalizing teaser now, as we usher in fresh faces to the narrative.
Introducing Alba Rohrwacher, who, after narrating the decades-long odyssey as the introspective Lenù, now steps into the spotlight, and Irene Maiorino, embodying Lila, Lenù's childhood confidante and complex rival, both vying for the affections of the enigmatic Nino Sarratore, played by Fabrizio Gifuni, a political scribe par excellence.
Set against the backdrop of Naples, this season is helmed by Laura Bispuri, renowned for her films "Sworn Virgin" and "Daughter of Mine," which featured Alba Rohrwacher, with Saverio Costanzo, the creative force behind the series, overseeing its executive production. Costanzo, who directed the majority of Seasons 1 and 2, gracefully passed the baton to Alice Rohrwacher for pivotal episodes before Daniele Luchetti took the reins for Season 3, now returns to direct, having recently premiered his Cinecittà Studios tribute, "Finally Dawn," at Venice Film Festival to mixed acclaim.
The official synopsis for Season 4 paints a vivid picture: "Inspired by Elena Ferrante's literary masterpiece, 'My Brilliant Friend' chronicles the epic friendship between Elena Greco and Raffaella 'Lila' Cerullo, whose paths intertwined as children in 1950s Naples and have since woven a tapestry spanning six decades. The fourth chapter, 'Story of the Lost Child,' delves deep into the adult realm of Elena and Lila, as they navigate the turbulent waters of late 1980s Italy, a time rife with political upheaval and societal unrest. Amidst the challenges of motherhood, career aspirations, betrayals, threats, vanishings, and natural disasters, Elena and Lila find themselves once again, inexorably linked, within the familiar confines of their neighborhood."
Mark your calendars for September 9, as "My Brilliant Friend" Season 4 premieres exclusively on HBO and HBO Max, inviting you into the heart of this intricate, emotionally charged tale.