Sarah Danser, a beloved contestant on the television show "Naked and Afraid," tragically passed away at the age of 34 following a devastating car accident. Known for her spirited presence on social media, where she affectionately described herself as a "pirate," Danser was involved in a collision on the evening of Sunday, October 20th, in Kahala, Hawaii, according to Honolulu police reports cited by KSLA.
The incident occurred when a 59-year-old driver lost control of his vehicle while traveling eastbound, colliding with a parked car. Danser, who was a passenger in the vehicle, was rushed to the hospital and placed in critical condition prior to her untimely demise on Tuesday, October 22nd. Attempts to reach representatives at Warner Brothers Discovery, the network that airs "Naked and Afraid," for comment were unsuccessful.
On her Instagram bio, Danser identified herself as a "Boat Captain, SCUBA Diver, and Survivalist," highlighting her adventurous spirit. Her employer, Island Divers Hawaii, posted a heartfelt tribute on their Facebook account on Thursday, October 24th.
"With heavy hearts, we say goodbye to a good friend and great captain. Sarah brought such incredible energy to everyone she encountered. You will be sorely missed," their post read, accompanied by a screenshot of Danser's last Instagram upload—a joyful selfie captioned, "Who recognizes this boat? Look who's driving her!" and geotagged at Hawaii's Maunalua Bay.
According to KSLA, Danser was born in Castle Rock, Colorado but had resided in Hawaii for approximately 12 years, making a boat at Kewalo Basin her part-time home. This arrangement allowed her the liberty to explore and roam freely.
"Magical is the only way to describe her. Sarah radiated a positive energy that filled the space around her wherever she went," shared her brother, Jake Danser, through the news station.
Her "Naked and Afraid" co-star Melissa Lauren also extended her condolences. "Sarah was one of the most adventurous souls I've ever encountered. She was not only a fierce survivor on 'Naked and Afraid' (we completed XL in South Africa together), but also a Breast Cancer survivor who maintained an inspiring and positive outlook throughout her treatment," Lauren posted on Facebook on Thursday.
Lauren's post featured a smiling selfie of the two women together, captioning it, "She loved the ocean, nature, and exploration—I always saw her as a 'modern-day pirate.' She was one of those rare individuals who viewed the world with childlike awe, marveling at things many of us take for granted. Rest in peace, Sarah. I know you're out there exploring somewhere."
Police noted that speed appeared to be a contributing factor in the fatal crash, but drugs and alcohol were not involved, as reported by KSLA.