Nicole Kidman, a luminary in the cinematic realm, was bestowed with a prestigious accolade at this year's Venice Film Festival, yet her triumph was tinged with sadness as she could not personally embrace the honor amidst a personal tragedy. The 57-year-old star of "Big Little Lies" was honored with the esteemed Volpi Cup for Best Actress for her captivating performance in "Babygirl." During the glitzy ceremony, the film's helm, Halina Reijn, revealed that Kidman's absence stemmed from the heartbreaking news of her mother's passing.
In a heartfelt message conveyed by Reijn, Kidman disclosed that the news of her "beautiful, valiant" mother, Janelle Ann Kidman, aged 84, reaching the end of her earthly journey, had reached her shortly after her arrival in Venice. "I am reeling from shock and must now return to my family's embrace," the statement resonated. "Yet, this accolade stands as a testament to her. She molded me, navigated me, and made me who I am today." The "Eyes Wide Shut" actress poignantly added, "My heart lies shattered on the ground." Reijn, moved by Kidman's words, offered her condolences, voicing, "We hold you dear, Nicole."
Kidman's parents, both Australians, held a special place in her heart; her father, a psychologist, passed away in 2014. In a poignant 2022 interview with NPR's "Fresh Air," she reminisced about her time in Australia, caring for her mother who was grappling with health challenges. The Academy Award winner mused that their profound bond allowed her mother to "grant me the gift of perceiving the world through the lens of an 81-year-old's wisdom."
"This is a treasure trove of insights," Kidman enthused, noting her mother's mental acuity and unwavering clarity. "Her mind remains sharp, her memories intact, her intellect dazzling. She's direct, honest, and fiercely feminist, instilling in me a lifelong commitment to women's issues, to the point where we'd jokingly plead, 'Enough, Mom!'"
The actress's bond with her mother, a nurse educator, was evident in their intimate moments shared on social media. In August 2020, amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, Kidman posted a heartwarming picture of them embracing, after an eight-month separation, captioning it, "I missed your 80th birthday, but I'm here now, Mumma. I love you." The following year, she celebrated her mother's birthday with a make-up party, sharing a joyous snapshot and penning, "We made amends for last year's absence with a night to remember."
In a 2018 birthday tribute, Kidman professed, "You loved me, guided me, taught me. I am forever grateful to have you in my life." And just last year, she confided to People that her mother remained actively involved in her wardrobe choices, a testament to their enduring bond.
During a press conference on Saturday, Venice jury president Isabelle Huppert extended her deepest sympathies to Kidman, saying, "Our hearts ache for her absence. We miss her dearly and cherish her." The room echoed with sentiments of love and respect for the actress, even as she grieved in solitude.