The illustrious star of "Crazy Ex-Girlfriend," Rachel Bloom, has graced stages across the United States with her powerful performances, even taking her talents off-Broadway. Now, her captivating one-woman theatrical extravaganza, aptly titled "Death, Let Me Do My Show," is poised to make its debut on Netflix in the early autumn. Bloom is currently enthralling audiences at the Williamstown Theater Festival, nestled within the grounds of Williams College in Massachusetts, and has scheduled to capture her performances on July 12 and 13 for the silver screen. This theatrical gem first premiered on July 5 and will run until July 14, leaving a lasting impression on every spectator.
The genesis of this show stemmed from Bloom's musical stand-up show, which she penned in 2019 and intended to tour in 2020. However, the pandemic intervened, suspending those plans. Then, mere days after Bloom welcomed her daughter into the world in March 2020, her cherished friend and songwriting partner from "Crazy Ex-Girlfriend," Adam Schlesinger, passed away after contracting COVID-19. This heartbreaking loss and the tumultuous events of the past few years compelled Bloom to reshape the show, focusing on her initial reluctance to confront these challenges and the inevitable confrontation with Schlesinger's death and other traumas she endured during that period. Yet, through all this, Bloom's signature blend of humor and original songs remain a constant, offering a cathartic and uplifting experience.
"In the midst of my struggles, it was the absurdities of life that saved me," Bloom revealed to THR in September 2023. "Watching silly movies, reading humorous books—it all helped me cope. There was even a segment in the show about how death loathes comedy because it reminds us to forget the inevitable." Directed by Seth Barrish, "Death, Let Me Do My Show" has delighted audiences off-Broadway in New York, London, Los Angeles, Chicago, and numerous other cities across the nation. Bloom's powerful performance at the Netflix Is a Joke Festival in Los Angeles in early May further testified to the show's captivating charm.