When it comes to the brilliant mind behind "House of the Dragon," Ryan Condal, his cast members are overflowing with praise. At the Season 2 press junket in the bustling city of New York, Condal reigned supreme as the focal point of every interview."The man is truly a genius," gushed Bethany Antonia, a rising star of this season's ensemble. "He's like a walking, talking encyclopedia of Westeros. It's such an honor to collaborate with him, to pick his brain, and witness his meticulous and intricate working style.
It's brilliant, truly brilliant."With a crop of young actors stepping into larger roles than they had in Season 1, and Condal now helming the show as the sole showrunner, the atmosphere on set was nothing short of cozy and collaborative. Harry Collett fondly recalls Condal discussing scene beats and concepts with him before the scripts were even fully formed, or being summoned to a trailer to preview fresh material, all thanks to Condal's boundless excitement.
"We spent hours discussing my pivotal scene in Season 2, Episode 1," shared Collett, referring to his intense interaction with Emma D'Arcy's Rhaenyra after learning of his brother's demise. "Condal pondered whether Jace should enter silently or with dialogue attempting to inform Rhaenyra of his accomplishment. We ultimately decided it would be more impactful if Jace spoke, or tried to speak, and then broke down emotionally."To prepare for the emotionally charged scene, Collett spent an hour sitting in darkness, listening to music, visualizing the loss of a sibling, and journaling his thoughts as Jace.
It's just the tip of the iceberg for a season filled with emotionally draining scenes, yet "everyone on set is so joyful that it's hard not to feel happy," Collett admitted with a smile.Ewan Mitchell credited Condal's expertise and enthusiasm for the seamless on-set cohesion. "The intricate world of 'Ice and Fire' and 'Fire & Blood' is etched deeply within his mind," he marveled. "We're all driven by the same passion, and it's all thanks to Ryan's leadership.""He knows this world like the back of his hand, and he loves it with all his heart," Fabian Frankel, who plays Criston Cole, added. "You always want someone who cares deeply about a project, rather than someone who's indifferent." (Matt Smith, sitting beside him, nodded in agreement, echoing, "He knows it inside and out.")Now, with the resounding success of Season 1 and one of television's most ambitious productions to tinker with, Condal shares insights into the intricate timeline and characters of Season 2, revealing a deeper understanding and appreciation for the world he's brought to life on screen.