Sarah Paulson Wants to Star in a Comedy, Maybe ‘Legally Blonde?’

Published: Oct 11 2024

Sarah Paulson, the versatile actress known for her haunting performances in 'American Horror Story,' is eager to unleash her comedic prowess on the silver screen. In a recent lighthearted encounter with BuzzFeed's 'The Puppy Interview,' she humorously lamented about the lack of comedic roles offered her way.

Sarah Paulson Wants to Star in a Comedy, Maybe ‘Legally Blonde?’ 1

"I yearn for someone to cast me in a bona fide comedy. It seems nobody dares to take that leap," she exclaimed, her tone tinged with a playful frustration. "All they envision is me shrieking and fleeing from clowns. Little do they realize, I'm a tender-hearted, charming, and hilarious soul hiding behind those dramatic facades."

Moreover, Paulson's imagination ran wild when contemplating a dream comedic costar. Her gaze settled on the esteemed Cate Blanchett, with whom she harbors a dual ambition. "I'd relish the opportunity to collaborate with Cate Blanchett—ideally, in a horror flick, but even more so, in a buddy road comedy. It's a niche neither of us has ventured into, yet our comedic chemistry could be explosive. She's hilarious, and I believe we could create magic together," she enthused.

Her admiration extended to another Hollywood heavyweight, Sandra Bullock, with whom she hopes to reunite for a more somber project. "I'd love to work with Sandy [Sandra] Bullock again, perhaps in a more serious endeavor. The possibilities excite me greatly," she added with a sparkle in her eye.

Turning to the realm of fantasy casting, Paulson's heart skipped a beat when discussing her real-life partner, Holland Taylor's iconic role as Professor Stromwell in 'Legally Blonde.' "If I could slip into the shoes of any character from Holland's past, it would undoubtedly be that unforgettable teacher from 'Legally Blonde.' She's a legend, and the part holds a special allure," Paulson confessed, her eyes shining with anticipation.

And who knows? With multiple 'Legally Blonde' projects simmering on the horizon—including a third film penned by Mindy Kaling and Dan Goor, which promises to reunite Reese Witherspoon as Elle Woods, and a prequel series titled 'Elle' in the works for Prime Video—Paulson's comedic dreams may soon become a reality, just like her memorable turn in 'The Bear.'

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