Ayden Mayeri has gracefully joined the ensemble of an upcoming Peacock comedy series, led by the illustrious Steph Curry and the comedic genius Adam Pally. According to the official synopsis, this yet-to-be-titled series revolves around Danny (played by Pally), a beleaguered memorabilia dealer in search of redemption. His journey leads him to reunite with his sixth-grade basketball teammate, the legendary NBA star Steph Curry.
Within this captivating narrative, Mayeri will breathe life into the character of Samantha, Danny's ex-wife. Her portrayal is sure to add depth and emotion to the already vibrant storyline.
Mayeri's illustrious acting career boasts notable roles in various television series. She gained widespread recognition for her portrayal of Beth Ann in the 2022 Showtime comedy series "I Love That For You." Her other notable TV credits include a starring role as Jennifer No. 2 in Season 1 of "The Afterparty" on Apple TV+, as well as appearances in "Into the Dark" on Hulu, "Veep" on HBO, "New Girl" on Fox, "Grace and Frankie" on Netflix, and "Homecoming" on Amazon.
On the silver screen, Mayeri has showcased her versatility in a range of films. She has shared the big screen with Alison Brie and Aubrey Plaza in "Spin Me Round" (2022) and starred in Greg Mottola's "Confess, Fletch" (2022). Her other film credits include Dave Franco's "Somebody That I Used to Know" (2023), Netflix's "Alex Strangelove" (2018), Lionsgate's "Wander Darkly" (2020), and Hannah Pearl Utt's "Before You Know It" (2019). In the future, audiences can look forward to seeing her in Megan Stalter's "Cora Bora" and Paul Feig's "Jackpot," promising yet more memorable performances from this talented actress.
She is brilliantly represented by Gersh, Mosaic, and the esteemed Melissa Fox from the Hansen, Jacobson, Teller, Hoberman, Newman, Warren, Richman, Rush, Kaller, Gellman, Meigs & Fox agency. This exciting series stems from Curry's Unanimous Media banner, which boasts a remarkable talent agreement with NBCUniversal. David Caspe, Matthew Libman, and Daniel Libman pen the series and take on the roles of executive producers alongside Curry, Pally, Erick Peyton, and David Wain, who will also helm all six episodes with their directorial prowess. Universal Television serves as the studio behind this captivating project.