Steve Buscemi, a renowned actor, has recently become another high-profile victim of the escalating violence in the city, following the brutal attack on his esteemed co-star Michael Stuhlbarg from the hit TV series 'Boardwalk Empire' earlier in March.
Fortunately, Buscemi emerged unscathed after a shocking assault that occurred in broad daylight last week in New York. According to a report by The New York Post on Sunday, the actor was peacefully walking through the bustling Kips Bay neighborhood on Manhattan's East Side when he suddenly became the target of a senseless attack.
His publicist swiftly confirmed the news and assured fans that Buscemi is doing well despite the harrowing experience. "Steve Buscemi was assaulted in Midtown Manhattan, another innocent victim of a random and senseless act of violence that has plagued our city," the publicist stated. "He is thankfully okay and grateful for everyone's well-wishes, but deeply saddened for everyone else who has to endure such horrors while simply walking the streets of New York."
This is not the first time a celebrity has fallen victim to such random attacks in the city. In March, Michael Stuhlbarg, who starred alongside Buscemi in the critically acclaimed HBO series 'Boardwalk Empire,' was brutally hit in the back of his neck with a rock. The New York Police Department swiftly arrested the perpetrator, identified as a vagrant named Xavier Israel.
In recent years, other notable figures such as actor Rick Moranis and reality TV star Bethenny Frankel have also been the targets of random attacks in New York City.
An NYPD spokesperson contacted by phone on Sunday stated that they had no available information regarding the involving incident Buscemi. However, law enforcement sources revealed to The New York Post that the attacker fled the scene and remains at large. The Post further reported that police are actively searching for a bearded man dressed in a baseball cap, a blue T-shirt, and black sweatpants.
A native of Brooklyn, Buscemi is not only a talented actor with an impressive resume including roles in 'Fargo' and 'Reservoir Dogs' among many other TV and film credits, but he also served as a former FDNY firefighter. Following the tragic 9/11 terrorist attacks, he selflessly assisted his former fire company, Engine 55. Recently, Buscemi made a guest appearance on the final season of HBO's 'Curb Your Enthusiasm,' further showcasing his versatility and charm as a performer.