Anchuli Felicia King, a celebrated scribe from the hit HBO series 'The Sympathizer,' has crafted a compelling fictionalized version of the renowned Australian-Canadian documentary series, Stuff the British Stole. This reimagined tale, set to be a high-budget heist drama, is helmed by director Ben Chessell, whose credits include the iconic 'Doctor Who.' The original series delved into the contentious topic of cultural artifacts plundered by British colonialists, and now it is being transformed into a pulse-pounding narrative that explores the complexities of history and identity in our modern world with a sharp wit and irreverent humor.
Backed by Warner Bros. International Television Production Australia and Wooden Horse, this six-episode, one-hour drama promises to be a profound dive into the depths of human experience. Anchuli Felicia King, whose writing credits span across various platforms including HBO's 'The Sympathizer' and 'The Baby,' Amazon's 'Deadloch,' and Foxtel's 'The Twelve,' has scripted this enthralling tale. Ben Chessell, renowned for his work on 'The Great,' 'Giri Haji,' 'Doctor Who,' and 'Deadloch,' will not only direct but also contribute to the writing of select episodes. Joining them is a stellar creative team comprising Kacie Anning and Dylan Van Den Berg, an award-winning First Nations writer and playwright.
Marc Fennell, the creator of the original documentary series, will serve as an executive producer, alongside Richard Finlayson and Jude Troy from Wooden Horse, and Hamish Lewis and Michael Brooks from WBITVP Australia. In a joint statement, the producers expressed their enthusiasm for the project, noting, "Anchuli Felicia King and her writing team, along with director Ben Chessell, have crafted a diverse ensemble of fascinating characters who unexpectedly find themselves at the forefront of a global repatriation movement. We learned from the brilliant Stuff the British Stole factual series that history is nuanced and complex—a lesson our characters will discover in the most unexpected ways."
Fennell's original factual series, based on his internationally renowned podcast, enjoyed stellar ratings on ABC TV Australia and CBC Canada. The second season premiered on ABC TV Australia on June 17, and a third season is currently in development.