The vast universe of "Suits" is expanding in grandeur. NBC has officially commissioned a spinoff series titled "Suits: LA," a companion show to the former USA Network hit that has now transformed into a streaming sensation. Alongside this, NBC has also embraced "Grosse Pointe Garden Society," a captivating murder mystery crafted by the team behind the beloved "Good Girls." While NBC has yet to announce specific premiere dates, it's plausible that these shows could grace our screens during the latter half of the 2024-25 season, adding a thrilling midseason lineup alongside the already-announced "The Hunting Party."
"Suits: LA" continues the legacy of its predecessor, helmed once again by the ingenious creator Aaron Korsh. Following the monumental streaming success of "Suits" last year, Korsh and Universal Studio Group's UCP, the original series' producer, embarked on a journey to create a new show within the same dynamic world — albeit one that introduces a fresh set of characters (initially) unconnected to the New York-based original. NBC greenlit the pilot in February, and the cameras rolled in the spring.
Starring Stephen Amell (of "Arrow" and "Heels" fame), "Suits: LA" introduces us to Ted Black, a former federal prosecutor from New York who now reigns over a law firm in Los Angeles. His firm stands at a precipice, and to weather the storm, Ted must embrace a role he once despised. Surrounded by an ensemble of exceptional characters, each testing their allegiances to Ted and each other, they navigate the complexities of blending personal and professional lives. The stellar cast also includes Josh McDermitt, Lex Scott Davis, and Bryan Greenberg. Korsh will executive produce alongside David Bartis, Doug Liman, and Gene Klein, all of whom were EPs of the original "Suits." Victoria Mahoney helmed the pilot and serves as an executive producer.
"Grosse Pointe Garden Society," crafted by Universal Television and the creative minds behind "Good Girls" — Jenna Bans and Bill Krebs — tells the tale of four suburban garden club members, each from unique backgrounds, who are unexpectedly entangled in murder and mischief as they strive to breathe new life into their conventional existences. The ensemble cast features Melissa Fumero (of "Brooklyn Nine-Nine"), AnnaSophia Robb, Ben Rappaport, Matthew Davis, Alexander Hodge, Aja Naomi King, Nancy Travis, and Felix Avitia. Bans and Krebs penned the pilot and executive produce alongside Casey Kyber from Bans' Minnesota Logging Company. Maggie Kiley directed and executive produced the pilot, setting the stage for this intriguing new series.