Jennie Garth harbors immense gratitude towards her ex-husband. The actress, renowned for her role in "Beverly Hills, 90210," revealed that amidst the catastrophic fires that have ravaged over 20,000 acres in Los Angeles since January 7th, her former spouse, Peter Facinelli, warmly welcomed her into his abode.
On January 9th, Garth posted on Instagram, "I wanted to let you know that we are safe. Peter and his family embraced us with open arms, displaying immeasurable kindness." Garth, who shares children Luca, 27, Lola, 22, and Fiona, 18, with Facinelli, the actor from "Twilight," brought along all three daughters and her husband, Dave Abrams, to seek refuge with Facinelli, who has a 2-year-old son, Jack, with Lily Anne Harrison.
In a heartfelt video, Garth expressed, "I'm incredibly thankful to Peter for allowing us—me, the girls, our dogs, and Dave—to stay at his house. Our home survived the night, and we feel truly blessed, fortunate, and lucky."
She further added in the caption, "My heart aches for our city. I feel numb. Though our home was spared, there's much to clean up and prepare. Dave has been phenomenal, tirelessly transporting bags and boxes, loading and unloading. Please keep everyone affected in your thoughts and prayers."
Garth acknowledged, "I'm grateful that we're all well and have a home to return to," expressing her appreciation for the love and support extended to her.
Despite their marriage ending in 2013 after a dozen years together, Facinelli knows that a bond between them will always remain. He once shared on "Live! With Kelly" in 2012, "She'll forever be a part of my life. We're deeply committed to being the best parents we can be."