Valorie Curry, the star of the beloved series 'The Boys,' harbors a unique aspiration for her fiery character, Firecracker, as the show embarks on its fifth and climactic season. Introduced with a bang in season four, Firecracker's arrival shook up the superhero satire's universe.
In a candid conversation with The Hollywood Reporter at San Diego Comic-Con, Curry unveiled her unconventional wish for her controversial alter-ego. "I sincerely hope she meets her demise," she divulged, her tone laced with conviction. "She's earned the ire of countless, her actions deplorable and vile. I yearn for her exit, but not through the ease of a medication-induced end. It should be Sage (Susan Heyward), her nemesis, who deals the final blow, leaving Sage to triumph and perhaps embark on her own spinoff adventure. Yes, I truly hope Firecracker perishes."
Firecracker, the newest mutant to grace Amazon's satirical landscape, is a political lightning rod, spewing extremist rhetoric and hateful views that span from vaccine skepticism to CIA conspiracies and scorn for the LGBTQ+ community. While Curry's past roles have often diverged from her personal beliefs, none have been as diametrically opposed to her own as Firecracker.
Yet, the self-identified lesbian actress found herself unexpectedly drawn to the character. "It might sound strange, but from the moment I encountered her, there was a strange connection," Curry confessed to THR. She relished the opportunity to portray someone so abhorrent, so "vociferously anti-trans and homophobic," believing that "it's essential for someone within the community to mock and expose such ideologies, leaving no room for ambiguity."
Curry also expressed her long-held admiration for the show's creator, Eric Kripke, whose work she's admired for years. She praised 'The Boys' for its incisive satire of contemporary cultural issues, ranging from the #MeToo movement to the intricacies of the Republican Party.
Even the most outrageous conspiracy theories spewed by Firecracker left Curry stunned, prompting her to question their veracity. When she confronted Kripke about one particularly outlandish line, he simply replied, "That's actually a direct quote from a politician."
Now, with all episodes of season four streaming exclusively on Prime Video, fans eagerly await the culmination of Firecracker's arc and the fulfillment—or not—of Curry's unconventional wish.