Star and directorial visionary Elisabeth Moss has embarked on a groundbreaking journey, helming the inaugural episode of The Handmaid's Tale's much-anticipated final season, destined to captivate audiences exclusively on Hulu in the vibrant spring of 2025. The curtains have officially lifted on this historic chapter, as Hulu unveiled a captivating image of Moss, the series' pillar, clutching a slate from the auspicious first day of filming for the sixth and culminating season.
The slate, a testament to the dawn of a new era, reveals that cameras gracefully commenced their roll on September 3rd, marking not only the commencement but also Moss's return to the director's chair for the opening installment (following her impressive stewardship of six episodes across seasons four and five).
Hulu, under Disney's illustrious banner, further teased that the highly anticipated sixth season will grace our screens in the warmth of spring 2025, ushering in an approximately two-and-a-half-year hiatus since the nail-biting season five finale, which left viewers breathless on November 9th, 2022. This extended hiatus was necessitated by a triumphant battle waged by writers and actors, who secured improved contracts amidst striking negotiations with media giants, thereby pushing back production plans originally slated for fall 2023. The intricate orchestration of the show's star-studded cast's schedules ultimately led to this week's groundbreaking commencement.
Season five left viewers on the edge of their seats, as June (portrayed by the indomitable Moss) and a flock of refugees fled the oppressive clutches of Gilead, seeking refuge in Toronto with the dream of escaping to Hawaii – a haven that, in the dystopian realm of the show, still belongs to a vastly diminished United States. Amidst this harrowing cliffhanger, showrunner Bruce Miller reassured fans that June's safety should not be their utmost concern: "The show's essence lies in June's survival," he proclaimed to The Hollywood Reporter. "It is her chronicling of these events that has etched our fake world's history, thus ensuring her survival is paramount to the show's very existence."
While Miller gracefully steps down from his showrunning duties in 2023 to focus on Hulu's eagerly awaited sequel, The Testaments, he remains a steadfast executive producer, ensuring the legacy of The Handmaid's Tale lives on. The reins are now in the capable hands of writers and executive producers Eric Tuchman and Yahlin Chang, who steer the final season towards its inevitable conclusion.
Joining Moss in this triumphant finale are an ensemble cast of stellar talents, including Yvonne Strahovski, Bradley Whitford, Max Minghella, Ann Dowd, O.T. Fagbenle, Samira Wiley, Madeline Brewer, Amanda Brugel, Sam Jaeger, Ever Carradine, and Josh Charles. MGM Television proudly produces this groundbreaking series, with Miller leading an esteemed team of executive producers that includes Warren Littlefield, Tuchman, Chang, Moss, Sheila Hockin, John Weber, Frank Siracusa, Steve Stark, Kim Todd, Daniel Wilson, and Fran Sears.